Is she going to be event only unlock? I am sure the Devs will have to put her into the FTP method farm on a node or cantina node or heck even shipments somewhere. So in like 3 months she should be farmable just like the the new Nightsisters. It cant be that this is the only way to get her cause 2 years to finish off a toon its unreasonable. Also 7 star is required for gear 12 so yea. I am really tired of CG/Ea milking the dolphins and the whales dry still like hundreds of dollars to 7 star a new toon more than any Triple A game that is coming out. I bet if it was more along the lines of 50 to 60 bucks for a new toon to 7 star more people could afford to buy it and more people would buy it. I stopped chasing new toons after i spend over 300 bucks to get nihilus 7 star and he was made redundant after a month.