Forum Discussion

HunterXJD's avatar
9 years ago

For the beginner...

If you're new to this game please read a few tips I wish I knew when I was starting out.

Having the strongest characters is not just about their level. It also has a lot to do with # stars and filling gear slots, which you should do.

You can replay a level for more gear instantly by using Sim tickets.

Before you start upgrading every character you can get your hands on, actually take the time to read about their abilities and descriptions and develop a team with similarities and abilities that help each other the best.

Do every event even if you don't think you don't need the awards yet, especially credits. There will be a credit famine when you get to level 70.

Spend you crystals wisely and generally not on refreshes if patience will get you there instead.

In addition to team synergy, invest in at least one of each character who: heals, does high damage, and effects turn meter.

For experts this is very basic but you never know who wanders into these forums. Also I am F2P so maybe an experienced P2P can share some tips on crystals.
  • 100 crystals should be spent everyday on cantina energy refresh. You get exp, credits, ability mats, training droids, character shards in cantina battles, and tokens for cantina shipments. With this, you can get 5 shards per day in cantina shipments.
  • Finding shards is important for increasing stars. But yes, gear is definitely what's going to give you the real edge over your opponents. Also if you aren't already, be sure to attack one opponent at a time while trying to keep your whole squad alive.
  • On a related note, what order do you take out the toons?

    I usually go Daka/Ewok Elder first (no revives!), then Sid/anyone with healing immunity, then healers, then everyone else.

    But been reading a bit about taking out the high damage toons first.

  • Yeah it just depends who is the most dangerous at the time. Now that there's protection the toons that could one-shot you can usually wait until after a healer is gone. I don't take out Daka right away because her revive chance is low.
  • I would absolutely agree with this. If I had everything to do over I would have unlocked the Geonosian Soldier, Dooku, and Old Daka at the beginning and leveled them up. I had such a wayward sparse team until the Yoda events.

    You will clearly need teams for both the light and dark sides, but you have to keep an overall strategy in mind. A strong leader with good leader abilities, at least one tank, two attackers, and a healer of some sort. These will get you through the single player campaign modes and open up your ability to farm characters and gear. They will also be crucial as you develop teams for the challenges.

    The other thing I learned later on, don't squander your ability mats over multiple characters. Focus on one, then move on to the next when they are complete. It just slows your progress.
  • Sorry to say not sure this guide is all that helpful. I also started F2P and rose high in arena before paid anything in.

    Yes spend crystals in cantina for refresh can be good if you have enough, but early on energy refreshes for LS will yield level up faster, cantina is 100 then 200 crystals for 120 cantina refresh, Energy is 50, 50, 100, 100 all for 120 energy. 1 cantina is 1 XP and 1 Energy is also 1 XP. This will make you more powerful (in level) and allow you to gain higher rank earlier in the Arena. High rank in arena (Top 5) gives more crystals, which allows you to maintain the high rank, it will then also allow you to use crystals for Cantina refreshes and Energy refreshes.

  • What is this "protection" you are talking about? Sorry, still new to the game. Thanks!

    "MoffFenix;378646" wrote:

    What is this "protection" you are talking about? Sorry, still new to the game. Thanks!

    Protection is a new Stat that is a bar above your health bar the gives more hp. Any character at least gear level 7 will automatically get it.
  • @Apollya Gaining player level isn't everything. Yes refreshing DS/LS battles is better for gear farming. But a lot of the best characters are only available in Cantina. So if you want to have a strong squad down the road invest in Cantina.

    And Idk what level you are but I'm a f2p rank 76 top 30 on my leaderboard just fyi.
  • "HunterXJD;379764" wrote:
    @Apollya Gaining player level isn't everything. Yes refreshing DS/LS battles is better for gear farming. But a lot of the best characters are only available in Cantina. So if you want to have a strong squad down the road invest in Cantina.

    And Idk what level you are but I'm a f2p rank 76 top 30 on my leaderboard just fyi.

    @HunterXJD In early stages level gives a distinct advantage, every time you level you get energy and cantina energy. Levelling faster unlocks arena and GW faster which gives an advantage, this means you're gaining extra crystals and char shards earlier, again an advantage. Once you have the advantage (after first few days to week max) and are reaping the benefits from arena (placing top 5) then it's easy to have 2x cantina refresh, 2x energy refresh and enough for arena refresh if you need it to secure top 5 (once you have advantage then cantina over energy for sure).

    I'm level 66 at present, often rank 1st and almost always top 5. Grats on level and top 30.

    There are some great guides out there, I read many before starting. The ones I read really work. Your advice will do "ok" but will not maximise benefit.