Forum Discussion

schengeskhan's avatar
5 years ago

Galactic Legend Kylo Ren Bugs

Galactic Legend Supreme Leader Kylo Ren known bug issues....

1. Furious Onslaught ability does not Syphon Mastery, also many times often does 0 damage to enemy party.

2. In arena vs General Skywalker, when General Skywalker is kneeling and stands up he oddly maxes the wait to use abilities for Galactic Legend Supreme Leader Kylo Ren for no reason. Making it very difficult to use the SLKR character.

1 Reply

  • 1. What team are you fighting? Do they dodge the attack?

    How do you know it is not siphoning ?

    2. When he rises from kneeling he gets his turns and increases cooldowns on critical hits