"Rapid;c-1181520" wrote:
"WompWompRat;c-1181459" wrote:
Thx for the tips!
Yeah my concern is not only the fact he doesn't hit that hard, but say in an Empire comp .. who would I drop in his place?
Right now I'm running ZThrawn (L), DT, TFP, Shore and ZZDN but I'm a bit reticent about dropping DN or even TFP in favor of Gar
dropping DN certainly wouldn't be an option. if you were dropping anyone I would think it would have to be TFP.
Yeah that's the challenge, my TFP is fast and hits like a bomb. It's funny but I had him collecting dust for months until Thrawn came along and I threw my ZFulcrum mods over on him and he ends up being a crazy fast critical damage dealer of death again. Since Gar doesn't seem like he's going to supplant TFP in that respect I might just replace TFP with GK instead.