Forum Discussion

irvvri's avatar
9 years ago

GW Shipments

So after finishing Luminara, I had no idea who to start getting shards for in GW shipments. .. Which led to me farming Poggle for pretty much no reason. He just got to Level 70 7* today, and I don't use him. Basically I'm in the same predicament as I was before. Due to the daily login events and some Bronziums, my IG 86 is currently 4*. Should I focus on him next? I'm hearing Resistance Pilot is apparently really good so I don't know if I should start him, either. Ideas would be greatly appreciated!
  • Resistance Pilot is great in my opinion. She (I'm sure it's a she based on the death scream) is a staple on my arena team.

    Although if you don't really intend to use any of the other characters you could always just unlock the characters at their lowest star level (for the unlock X number of Dark/Light side characters acheivement) to ulitmatly get a hold of Vader shards.
    Or even just to try them out on the lower difficulty battles to see if you like them.
  • What about Captain Phasma? If you haven't activated her by now, then I don't know what you were doing all the time.

    I believe she is a must-have on roster, can fill the void on many teams, has high health, nice speed, etc.
  • I have her geared max 7* and love her. Special gives foresight and regular attack is strong. So many gears are a grind. Is what it is...
  • What no Phasma?
    I'm sure most of us went for her
    she's not a hard hitter, but her leader random assist, speed help alot
    I farmed lumi and Phasma 7* Now I'm working on poggle
    I also have a 4*ig86 I'll work on him soon
  • So sorry I'm replying this late, but the main reason I haven't fully starred up Phasma (Currently 3* no gear) is because I have a bunch of allies with super high leveled Phasma's and I haven't really seen the need. Do you think she's necessary to have on my own squad?