"Tromedlov13;824952" wrote:
I agree in principle, problem is when you have them in a row. Zeta QGJ lead, with Bariss zeta and fives with Chaze gives you this
I get first attack - but all have foresight so my first attack is useless. Let's say it's Boba AoE so we get rid of all foresight. Next couple attacks have to go against Baze and his auto taunt and retribution and Chirut hits (unless for me it's QGJ with Buff removal already cooled down). Lose some protection or health or both. start critical hitting Baze, Bariss gains tm. If I get his protection down when you crit hit him he gains health (Bariss zeta). Enough Crits and Bariss heal equalizes if necessary. If you are lucky, this continues til you get to just fives and endless heals on crits, double counter with extra damage. Plus with QGJ zeta lead they will get foresight back. Now I know there are counters to a lot of this, but not everyone's GW team has them in abundance.
For arena you might be able to get past them. But if you face them again and again, you will get destroyed. Plus you could see a full team as soon as the sixth gate of 12. Either way, almost no way you are getting out of this battle without losing toons.
Only Jedi get foresight so the TM advantage is not entirely useless though I do see your point.