Forum Discussion

AELeoo's avatar
9 years ago

Hard GW Runs, Increase Arena Rank?

I've heard that GW opponent difficulty scales off your top arena rank and the power level of your top 10 characters. Right now I can complete GW but it's definitely harder than when I was around level 50 (67 right now).

I'm currently around rank 60-80 and can easily get rank 50 but the highest i've been ranked is around 63. Just wondering if I should go for rank 50 and potentially be unable to complete GW but get 50 more crystals per day.

14 Replies

  • "designingsean;124526" wrote:
    I rank in the 80s in arena (don't feel the need to push higher). I have 3 7* toons, soon to be 4* in about an hour. GW is a breeze.

    In fact, GW has become much easier for me since the update. After they fixed the retreat bug back in December/January, it got a bit more difficult, but since then I have won 40 or so in a row without much issue.

    There was one time when I had to retreat about 20 different times from one battle until I found the right suicide squad that actually took out enough of the opponent's characters to be worth it. But that is the only time that really stands out as being difficult since early January.

    If you are having trouble with GW, you are probably playing it like arena, which is a mistake. GW is a defensive game, one where how you end the round is more important than how you start it.

    For instance, just today I had my opponent down to 1 character. One more shot and the round was over. All of my team was alive, but three were in the yellow in terms of health.

    I retreated and started over. I tried a different approach, and ended up finishing the round with all five character's healths maxed out. Had I continued from where I was, my team would have been obliterated from the get go in the next round.

    If you finish weak, you will start weak, and that is a guaranteed recipe for failure.

    Agreed... It was a gravy train post patch. I was completing GW regularly with little thought. I only have two 7* chars with remainder at 5* or below. And going on that lucky arena run destroyed it for me. Any up-and-comer should learn from my mistake... DO NOT get too big for your britches in the arena. one shiny day ranked in the 30's is not worth ruining your daily GW run. There's much more loot to gain in GW than the difference between a 9 and 8 tier arena haul IMO.
  • I haven't seen any correlation to arena rank. I run two accounts. My 1st one (level 62) has never gotten above 170 or so in arena, as it seems to be on a really active leaderboard. On that account, I had really bad luck with GW for about 2 weeks, with no completions. Kept drawing teams 5 levels or more higher than mine from the 4th box on, and while it's possible to beat one or two of those using suicide squads, they leave me depleted enough to be unable to finish. Then the last two days, I got through it no problem.

    My second account (level 52) is on a much easier leaderboard, and I finish in the top 50 in arena pretty regularly. I've never not been able to finish GW on that account, probably because the top end of the leaderboard isn't as powerful, and so I'm not facing a lot of ridiculous lineups in GW.

    My take - the draws you get are luck, based off your level. But at a higher level and on a harder leaderboard, you're going to get harder enemies.
  • "GruyloRen;124934" wrote:
    I haven't seen any correlation to arena rank. I run two accounts. My 1st one (level 62) has never gotten above 170 or so in arena, as it seems to be on a really active leaderboard. On that account, I had really bad luck with GW for about 2 weeks, with no completions. Kept drawing teams 5 levels or more higher than mine from the 4th box on, and while it's possible to beat one or two of those using suicide squads, they leave me depleted enough to be unable to finish. Then the last two days, I got through it no problem.

    My second account (level 52) is on a much easier leaderboard, and I finish in the top 50 in arena pretty regularly. I've never not been able to finish GW on that account, probably because the top end of the leaderboard isn't as powerful, and so I'm not facing a lot of ridiculous lineups in GW.

    My take - the draws you get are luck, based off your level. But at a higher level and on a harder leaderboard, you're going to get harder enemies.

    I hope you are right that this is just a string of bad luck. It's one thing to face teams of matching abilities. But when your facing five 7* purple A-holes from the get-go... let's just say my dauber's certainly down right now.
  • "designingsean;124526" wrote:
    I rank in the 80s in arena (don't feel the need to push higher). I have 3 7* toons, soon to be 4* in about an hour. GW is a breeze.
    In fact, GW has become much easier for me since the update. After they fixed the retreat bug back in December/January, it got a bit more difficult, but since then I have won 40 or so in a row without much issue.

    There was one time when I had to retreat about 20 different times from one battle until I found the right suicide squad that actually took out enough of the opponent's characters to be worth it. But that is the only time that really stands out as being difficult since early January.

    If you are having trouble with GW, you are probably playing it like arena, which is a mistake. GW is a defensive game, one where how you end the round is more important than how you start it.

    For instance, just today I had my opponent down to 1 character. One more shot and the round was over. All of my team was alive, but three were in the yellow in terms of health.

    I retreated and started over. I tried a different approach, and ended up finishing the round with all five character's healths maxed out. Had I continued from where I was, my team would have been obliterated from the get go in the next round.

    If you finish weak, you will start weak, and that is a guaranteed recipe for failure.

    My experience is identical - same arena rank range and same GW results. Except I wouldn't use the word "breeze" to describe having to retreat as much as I do , not to win but to win and be ready for the next round.