7 years ago
Has anyone tried Old Ben lead with JTR?
One of the best teams right now with JT Rey is with her as lead with R2, BB8, General Kenobi and Old Ben. What if you simply switch out JTR with Old Ben as lead? Wouldn't this make the squad even more effective? You have lots of foresight being tossed around which when it expires off an attack grants the person 30%TM under old ben lead. That seems like to me the makings of a really fast squad! General Kenobi grants it with his basic and his SA, BB8 can get it 50% of the time when he is damaged, r2 gives it when he stealths everyone but a selected ally and Rey gets it every turn plus heals when it expires. Would like peoples thoughts on this squad and if you have seen it being used. R2 killed the evasion meta a long time ago, but that was just when going up against straight evasion stats (maul lead, dooku lead, old ben lead). Foresight gives you an evade 100% of the time if you aren't stunned. Am i on to something? Could this be the ideal defense squad using JTR?