"catharsis478;c-2012568" wrote:
I'm honestly going to advise that you simply restart; it won't take you more than a couple weeks to get back to where you were in terms of levels and character progression (and considering your arena/fleet shards are going to be full of ancient accounts you'll be better off than you currently are).
Once you've restarted--or have decided to simply stick with your current account--I'm going to suggest that you get your bases covered: you'll want/need a decent light side team, a decent dark side team, a team of scoundrels, Executrix and six additional dark side ships. These teams will help you three star the normal energy and cantina tables; scoundrels will give you access to Heists (you won't need to worry about star rating on your scoundrels for Heists, but you'll need to upgrade them eventually, depending on your choice in scoundrels); and the ships, at six stars for the last level of the ship challenge, will give you access to zeta ability materials (you'll need them to upgrade certain abilities available at 82, 84, or 85).
A Phoenix team will give you a solid start, and a LS team you won't need to take past G8/G9 until much later (you can always borrow a more powerful allied toon to three star the last levels of the LS hard nodes, and G9 is more than sufficient for Palpatine/Thrawn; you won't really need to take them higher unless your guild is doing Hoth TB or you need their ships to have a little more oomph). A DS team is a little more complicated and will probably change a bit based off what your goals are... a combination of Empire/Bounty Hunters (you'll need a full Empire team for R2-D2, and Bounty Hunters are Scoundrels and you'll eventually want them just to get Chewie) could work. For ships, I'd recommend grabbing the easiest ones you have access to (TIEs, Bugs, etc), you shouldn't need to take pilots past G8/G9 to three star the fleet challenge that gives you zetas.
For mods, it's easiest to start off focusing on Health sets--you should three star all the mod challenges ASAP anyway--since those will give you a solid foundation and flexibility down the line. You're ideally looking for speed secondaries (only arrows have a speed primary) and you'll probably want to sell anything that doesn't come showing a speed secondary (you can forgo this advice down the line, as you come to understand mods better, but in order to conserve you resources only level/use green mods that already show a speed secondary; take blues to six, and purples to 3 and then only upgrade them further if they give you stats you want).
For guilds the recruitment forum here--or recruitment chats on discord--are your best bet. If you need an ally, or have additional questions my ally code: 634-478-835
"MasterSeedy;c-2012618" wrote:
Please note:
In fleet you are not paired with people who installed the game on the same day you did. Your shard is full of people who unlocked fleet arena the same day you did. Since fleet arena didn't exist when you suspended your game, you won't have to compete against anyone who installed the game near when you did.
However, you will be at a serious disadvantage in Squad Arena for quite a while - basically until the meta turns over 2-3 times and the new meta is one you were prepared for because you skipped one or two metas before it. You'll have to decide if it's worth it to you to start over. I wouldn't, but that's just me.
If you stay with your current account, you'll be at an advantage in some ways in Fleet, b/c you are already level 76 and other people starting fleet are level 60. Your level advantage can help you there for a bit, although not as much as you'll lose by not having the right pilot toons geared...if you don't have the right pilot toons geared.
...and I just looked, and you don't have the right pilot toons geared.
Okay, it might be useful to you to start a new account. But if you're just playing for fun, then I wouldn't want to duplicate the work you've already done - even if it's only a couple months worth of work, that's still 2 months closer to the cool endgame content than you'd be if you start over. You'll have to decide if that's worth it to you.
As for what to work on, I've made previous guides, but the main points are:
Phoenix first. You want all 6 and gearing them is tedious (they require a large amount of Stun Guns, for instance), but is incredibly helpful in fleet - the Phoenix ships are very, very good and require you to gear the Phoenix squad to use them.
Jedi next - Bastila and Jolee Bindu are your foci here. You've already got other jedi, so just grab those two.
Use Phoenix to get Thrawn and Palpatine.
Flesh out Empire who will be very useful in Hoth TB (you won't be ready for Geo TB for a good long while). The best strategy for this is to get a good Imperial Trooper squad together, but use your ITs with Palpatine in the short run before you have enough for 2 separate empire squads. This means getting General Veers finshed right away, and zeta his unique as soon as you have 2 other 7-star ITs. Snowtrooper and Range Trooper are your best-bet easy farms for 2nd and 3rd troopers. In addition to ITs, get to 7* and give gear to both Darth Vader and Tie Fighter Pilot.
Whenever you have a chance, work on Bounty Hunters. They aren't the very first things you need, but they are very useful for a large number of events that provide important resources (Galactic Bounties, Credit Heist, etc.). Since you have to have Bossk, IG-88, Boba, and Cad Bane to get the Millennium Falcon, you might as well make those 4 of your first BH toons. Since you need 4 bounty hunter ships (Hound's Tooth, Xanadu Blood, Slave 1, and IG-2000) to get the Falcon and since Jango comes free with one of them (Hound's Tooth) that gives your starting BH squad.
Unfortunately, IG-88 is less useful in BH squads than elsewhere (esp being paired up with Grievous) and he does very poorly in the very important Chewbacca event. For that reason, you are going to want Dengar as a 6th bounty hunter. Dengar is incredibly useful in Chewbacca's event and lowers the amount of gear (and/or the number of restarts) needed to complete the event by quite a bit. He's also easier to gear than many toons (though IG-88 is as well).
BUT... with all that said, if the game isn't fun, there's no point in playing. So while Phoenix => Jedi => Empire => BH is a very efficient way to go about things, if you want to do something else because that's more fun to you, then do the fun thing. Always choose the fun thing. It is way too easy for the game to feel like a job with all the long-term work needed to collect and gear characters, so anything you do to make things more exciting and rewarding emotionally/personally is always going to be more important than the things you can do to shave 7.2% off the farm time of a toon you never really liked in the first place.
Take care, and never feel hesitant to ask more questions.
Thank you both! Really appreciate the detailed breakdowns!!
I started a new account yesterday and got it to lvl28. It wasn’t too painful but I’m not entirely sold yet. I don’t want to become super competitive in Arena, just not suck completely. In other news, with my lvl 77 account I got 7* Yoda this morning on my first try, so I feel avenged for the reason I first left the game. :)
I think I now get the toon prioritization well (thanks again) but I don’t have a clear picture of what should be the top ships to develop.
So I go for the two Phoenix ships. What do I do right after? Are any of the ones I have worth developing? Maybe the Tie Fighter?