Forum Discussion

kyronnewbury's avatar
7 years ago

Help Me Understand Meta

You can skip to the bottom of the post if you want the actual question. The rest is just me rambling lol

I am currently working towards CLS. I need to get high enough level to join a good guild and start collecting GK and Han shards cause I love Rebels (well I really love Jedi but they are basically useless at this time). Also I am working towards Rex. Cause its rex.

So meta is growing right now and more different teams seem to be viable but really empire/sith is meta.

My empire team right now is as follows.

Palp - 7*/Gear8
Vader - 7*/Gear9
Tarkin - 7*/Gear8
TFP - 7*/Gear8
Stormtrooper - 7*/Gear8

If i start really digging into gearing I am going to end up with the same type of teams that most people are going for. In fact they'll have thrawn cause they were smart enough to get pheonix and arent playing catch up.

I am currently running

Wiggs/Ezra/Old Ben/R2 and they seem to rock. Why wouldn't I just keep gearing them up and get them kicking butt at like g11 or 12. I would still get very high in the average shard. I won't be top 100 but still get a decent pay out.

Just seems weird to me. And once I get my empire team geared JTR and nightmare are gonna crush me anyways.

If i am working towards the same team that the average player is working towards (palp/vader) how am I supposed to get ahead? We are doing the same thing lol

19 Replies

  • "Dxtrinc;d-172332" wrote:
    If i am working towards the same team that the average player is working towards (palp/vader) how am I supposed to get ahead? We are doing the same thing lol

    Yeah, basically.

    To use a really simple example, if you had a paper, rock, scissors Arena in this game, you would pick paper and scan your opponents looking for rocks. So you're right. If you're working towards the same team as everyone else, it's just a foot race to see who can get there first, and that person will get the lion's share of rewards because they got there and were able to turn that couple days head start into an advantage that made their team better faster.

    What you should theoretically be doing is working on the team that will beat the current meta team. Except that the meta in squad building games, especially ones that aren't free to play the way, say, Final Fantasy Tactics is free to play--you buy the game and then play it as many times as you want--isn't as robust as, say, a fighting game. So you can't predict what's coming down the pipeline.

    That's why I always suggest that unless you're willing to spend a whole bunch of money on getting the newest hottest every time it comes out, that you should just farm whatever you like. Get the characters you want, gear them, play with them, do as well as you can and go as far as you can with them. Eventually you'll plateau around 200-100 in Arena, but you'll always be good in other areas of the game because you've got a deep, deep bench of characters that aren't meta, and new content is usually created with the intent of making non-meta characters useful.

    I guess what I'm saying is that the real metagame is opting out of the Arena metagame.
  • "NicWester;c-1572935" wrote:
    That's why I always suggest that unless you're willing to spend a whole bunch of money on getting the newest hottest every time it comes out, that you should just farm whatever you like. Get the characters you want, gear them, play with them, do as well as you can and go as far as you can with them. Eventually you'll plateau around 200-100 in Arena, but you'll always be good in other areas of the game because you've got a deep, deep bench of characters that aren't meta, and new content is usually created with the intent of making non-meta characters useful.

    Very well put. I agree.

    Also - if you have a wide range of squads at a decent level, they will come into their own with one challenge or another. A challenge will pop up and you will already be prepared more or need to panic farm.

    This is not to say however that one should be working on a range of squads at the same time. Quite the opposite. Focus on one - grind, grind, grind. Then move onto another...the process takes months rather than weeks. (Ok, I don't always practise what I preach...I normally work on a couple of squads if I'm not directly working towards something specific.

  • I'm perfectly happy to end up in the sub-200 area in arena. Gets me two shop purchases a day, and plenty of resources for other areas. The resources required to stay on top of the meta to get any higher isn't worth it to me. I like having a really varied collection of strong characters.
  • "Vendi1983;c-1573024" wrote:
    I'm perfectly happy to end up in the sub-200 area in arena. Gets me two shop purchases a day, and plenty of resources for other areas. The resources required to stay on top of the meta to get any higher isn't worth it to me.

    I agree 100%.

  • Just swapped over to full First Order but I used to have Tarkin in until I had the rest of FO up to the level of my 2 Kylos. Should Zeta KRU's lead in the next week.
  • "Vertigo;c-1572477" wrote:
    Metas come and go. Mods don't. #FarmModsNotMetas

    ok, go your droids with +150 speed mods vs standard zEp with +80 speed mods...

    if you win at least one match, I take off my hat
  • "DistavioNi;c-1573091" wrote:
    "Vertigo;c-1572477" wrote:
    Metas come and go. Mods don't. #FarmModsNotMetas

    ok, go your droids with +150 speed mods vs standard zEp with +80 speed mods...

    if you win at least one match, I take off my hat

    ......That's kind of the point they're making. Droids were meta, now they're not. But you can take off those +150 speed mods and put them onto the characters that make up the next meta.

    What characters comprise the meta will come and go. But your mods won't--once you have them, you have them forever. Farm up your mods, then whatever the meta is you can worry about that later.
  • "NicWester;c-1573101" wrote:
    "DistavioNi;c-1573091" wrote:
    "Vertigo;c-1572477" wrote:
    Metas come and go. Mods don't. #FarmModsNotMetas

    ok, go your droids with +150 speed mods vs standard zEp with +80 speed mods...

    if you win at least one match, I take off my hat

    ......That's kind of the point they're making. Droids were meta, now they're not. But you can take off those +150 speed mods and put them onto the characters that make up the next meta.

    What characters comprise the meta will come and go. But your mods won't--once you have them, you have them forever. Farm up your mods, then whatever the meta is you can worry about that later.

    Someone understood it lol!
