Forum Discussion

amdoutside's avatar
7 years ago

How did his Vader go before mine?

so I fought a team just now, consisting of Palp lead + Vader + Triumph Trio.
My team = Palp lead + vader, nihilus, Raid Han, thrawn.
His Vader speed = 267(219+48), Mine = 257(225+32).

I wanted to try putting raid han in place of sion, hoping to stun his vader first and follow up with my vader's force crush. The goal was to try take out one of his character upfront and buy myself more time with force crush. I had set my target to either stun his vader first or stun his nihilus.

So I stun his vader to start out. Only to see his vader get a turn immediately and then immediately called force crush on my team, everything afterward is just one way slaughter.

My question is, although his vader is 10 speed faster than mine after passive adjustment, my vader should have still gone first before his vader because I had han stunned his vader. It seemed like his vader took a back to back turn immediately after getting stunned by my han. So I don't understand why.
  • Traya, she removes all debuffs from an ally at the start of their turn.
  • Your speeds are also off fwiw. His Vader's speed is +64 (Palp 16 + Vader 16 + Trio 8 each + your Han 8), yours is +48.

    As stated above, the stun is removed by Traya. Her unique zeta removes debuffs (at the cost of health) at the beginning of Sith allies' turns, it actually feeds the TM of opposing Palp lead teams but it makes stuns irrelevant (other than a handful of actions that change when the target is stunned). You can use Han to control TM (unless Vader has his unique zeta) but otherwise he doesn't do much vs teams with Traya,
  • Vice_Torn's avatar
    Seasoned Newcomer
    Traya on a sith team, basically makes Stun and Ability block useless. Also since debuffs can feed Traya and DN tm, Vader can be very counter productive.
  • Ah, I thought Traya's passive only works on non-TM related debuf lifting, but it seems I misunderstand how stun works. Just to confirm the mechanic behind "stun", does the stunned hero still wait for his turn as usual, once his turn is up, the game just toss a "no action" and move on to whoever is next in line? and if Traya is present, then lifting the stun means user can now issue action on the hero as if he has not been stunned?
  • "ZenJoe;c-1591097" wrote:
    Ah, I thought Traya's passive only works on non-TM related debuf lifting, but it seems I misunderstand how stun works. Just to confirm the mechanic behind "stun", does the stunned hero still wait for his turn as usual, once his turn is up, the game just toss a "no action" and move on to whoever is next in line? and if Traya is present, then lifting the stun means user can now issue action on the hero as if he has not been stunned?

    Stun with no traya=TM fills, skips turn, moves on to next with full TM(has to wait until next turn)

    Stun WITH traya, stun falls off and takes a turn like normal
  • oh, didn't realise vader himself counts for speed.

    "he doesn't do much vs teams with Traya"
    are you talking about Han or Vader?

  • "ZenJoe;c-1591174" wrote:
    oh, didn't realise vader himself counts for speed.

    "he doesn't do much vs teams with Traya"
    are you talking about Han or Vader?

    Han. Vader works quite well under Palp vs Traya, it is the only team I have lost to on offense.