Forum Discussion

mattinger's avatar
6 years ago

How to beat nightsisters with Jedi?

I have a pretty good jedi team: Bastilla, GMY, Ezra, Old Ben, GK. 4 zetas, all g12 except old ben who is 1 piece short of g11.

However, I haven't beaten a nightsister team since the rework in arena. It doesn't seem to matter how slow they are, how many zetas, or how low power they are. I get rid of that first toon 3 times pretty quickly (usually daka) thanks to cleanses from GK and Bastilla. I usually get close on ventress who i go after next (though i've tried talzin too). Then they just go crazy, and I just stop getting turns. My yoda is 277 speed and just gets completely mauled as does my 215 speed ezra and 205 bastilla.

That on top of plague getting applied to seriously buffed toons, and i go from being ahead to just a spectator.

I'm just looking for any strategy tips.
  • You have zBast I assume, which counters plague from talzin. Also GMY ten up

    Maybe a healer, but since no Barriss or Hoda might have to think alternative. Lumi?

    my lineup zBast (L), zzGMY, zQGJ, OB and Ezra

  • I have zBastilla, but plague is getting applied the first time, every time. I would have thought with the increased tenacity, it would be nearly impossible to apply that early in the battle, but it is, and just spreads from there.
  • Same for me, Plague is applied every time and pretty much kills entire team before you get 10 or 11 kills needed to end that battle