Forum Discussion

Charlesbusa's avatar
9 years ago

How to beat Savage Opress in challenges?

Savage Opress has a crazy hard attack. Looking for strategy. To keep him from using it or defeating him.

Under Challenges, AGI gear, tier 1

I only have Talia lvl 31 and a Jedi consular lvl 31 for healers and support.
  • Are you referring to the attack where he hits all of your players and causing all health down to almost 0?
  • "Nicks075;10054" wrote:
    Are you referring to the attack where he hits all of your players and causing all health down to almost 0?

    Yep, that's the one.

  • "HavokTrigger;10056" wrote:
    Darth Maul doesn't have a challenge. Try using the search function. There are probably 20 threads about Savage.

    Your right, it's savage opress
  • Kill the droids first, then they can't one shot you after the boss leaves you at 1 hp
  • Make sure you start the match with your healers able to heal. Take out the Droids first then attack Savage. When he hits you with his special attack use Jedi consular heal then continue to attack, don't heal a second time. When he uses his special attack again use Talias heal and attack again. Keep that pace going and you should beat him. The trick is to start the match with your healers ready to heal and only use one healer per special attack. Just make sure to take out the Droids first.
  • "HavokTrigger;10086" wrote:
    -sigh- Guys he's doing the tier 1, not the tier 2. At least read his post.

    The Droids do not attack on tier 1.

    Do NOT kill the Droids first on Tier 1.

    The first time he uses his aoe, use the consular heal. Second time, kill a droid. Third, consular heal should be available again. If it isnt, kill a droid.

    You should be able to keep this rhythm until you kill him. Don't use Talia's heal unless you have to.

    OK so tier one is much easier but it still works, at least it always has for me, doing it that way will prepare him for tier 2 and he won't be back asking the same question.
  • Yea i just burst damage both droids no matter what tier and use one heal per special atk from savage as they said. Never had an issue so do what they said an you will breeze rite past it no prob
  • It worked, barely... So I assume his super special hard attack can't kill you, just takes all your hp. Thanks guys.

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