Forum Discussion

JohnnySocks71's avatar
8 years ago

How to MOD Sith Trooper

I recently added Sith Trooper and Sith Assassin to my arena team of zDN, Zader, and CD. The highest I have gotten in arena is 74. Some of the teams I faced had R2 and EP which stun ST right out the gate. I currently use all Defense Mods on ST with mostly protection secondaries. Would adding a Tenacity cross lower the chances of him being stunned or am I completely modding him wrong with Defensive mods? Any help is much appreciated.

7 Replies

  • Your mods sound right to me. Isn't the issue that you are getting outsped by the others teams' R2? Can you get Sith Assassin any faster?
  • Hmmm...R2 is often very fast (250ish). He also applies his stun with annoying regularity. Sorry -
    can't think of any obvious solutions.
  • Do you try and use Vader to get an abity block on either R2 or Palp as soon as you can?
  • Working on zeta's for savage which is why I am using ST and SA at the moment. Need two zetas and all the omegas. I just recently got Rex, so he won't be usable for a while. But yes, R2 stunning regularly is annoying. Thanks for the suggestions.
  • I tried to find as many static defense secondaries as possible. I wished I had Protection% rather than Health% on my triangle and circle, but I couldn't pass up the defense secondaries. Because of this I got my armor up to 41% and he is able to soak up alot of damage. Soaks up more damage than what protection primaries can give me. So if you can get protection primaries with protection, health, and defense secondaries is highly preferred.