The ideal team is KRU lead, Kylo, FOO and the other 2 a mix of the rest minus Phasma, Kylo is a very tanky and useful attacker with a lot of utility and the officer both can cleanse, prevent further debuffs, buff, tmr and shorten cooldowns to allies, how does one replace that? If you do have a zeta FOST then you have your 4th irreplacable, that zeta is incredible, leaving the 5th to be filled by FOE, FOTP or FOSF, there is no "this one is the best of them all" there is only "this one benefits the situation more" FOTP deals massive damage to single targets, FOE has tmr plus can clean up weak enemies and dispell, FOSF has a really good aoe and useful special, so use what you think the situation calls for, Phasma will need a rework if she will ever be useful as a ally ever again because as of now her first special is kinda boring and second special is abysmal, leader is fine but she could maybe use a unique