Forum Discussion

Kodiak_Skywalke's avatar
6 years ago

Ideal Jedi squad comp?

I've been working on farming a lot of Jedi characters recently and my squad is getting pretty good. I'm wondering, however, who should I focus on farming and who am I wasting time with?

So right now I'm running like this;
Bastilla (L)
Kit Fisto - who gets surprisingly tough at higher rarities I'm finding
JC - my only seven star Jedi so far
Luminara - My only other 5+ star
Ahsoka Tano / Mace Windu - depending on who I'm facing I switch between them

So I know bastilla needs to be leader. I 'really' like kit Fisto especially with bastilla as leader since he counters almost every time. His double att is pretty reliable and 'my' kit has a 'ton' of speed added through mods (200 to 230 I believe, he atts twice per every enemy turn generally). So I suppose if everyone gets on here and says kit is a waste of time then I'll rethink but those two I'm pretty solidly sure I want to farm.

I just unlocked plo koon and got him levelled up to be comparable to everyone else. His basic att seems like it does very little damage and his buff/debuffs abilities seem rather inconsistent to me 'but' strictly on an overall power basis, he's actually ranked second among my Jedi toons (behind kit Fisto). Should I toss him in? If so who do I remove? Ahsoka / Mace is the obvious weak point, although ahsoka works almost as a second healer in my experience and is capable of dealing devastating dam as well. So if she's my second healer -esque toon, who gets the boot between JC or LU?
I also have eeth koth pretty well udgraded too. He's a ways behind my other Jedi toons ATM, but he is also the only one whos shards can be bought (squad arena store) which makes him 'much' faster for me to farm. I know Mace shards can be bought in shipments too, but honestly, I don't even use endurance in my fleet battles and Mace - having 'no' ability to inflict buffs or debuffs (basically no way to help the rest of the suad) is by far my 'least' favorite of Jedi I have unlocked no2 (yes; even behind eeth koth - at least EK has a reliable stun debuff...)

So who should I focus in on, now that I have a bit of selection?...
I should add that I'm working to unlock ima-gun-di as well but I have like 2 or 3 total shards for bariss and really don't want to 'completely' restart my farming for a new char who is only a healer (I almost NEVER even use healing with bastillas leader ability and only employ 2 healers as a redundent system "just in case" the enemy wears down my protection...

So the end game of all this is to have a team of 5 7star Jedi so that the next time the GMYoda event comes around I will get him for sure...
  • * Plo is weak on the ground but has a useful niche in ships
    * Ima Gumby is useless unless you are facing droid squads, which you wont be
    * Mace Windu is about as badass as a wet noodle

    With what you have now:
    * Bastilia lead
    * Kit
    * JC
    * Luminara
    * Ahsoka

    Not very strong but the best you have.

    Good upgrades to farm:
    * Ezra - great offense & Phoenix member / Rebel
    * Old Ben - great tank, Rebel & needed for Jedi Luke

    You also want to get a Jedi squad of at least 5* to unlock Yoda next month.
  • Oh I thought it was 7*. How do you know he'll come around next month? Are the legendary events on a set schedule? If so it must be every 3 months - I remember last time the Yoda event showed up I was real disappointed
  • I use Bastilla, GMY, Ezra, GK, and Hoda and it works really well.

    Anakin can work in there with the right mods. Lumi is an easy replacement that does a lot of damage. Old Ben is a easy replacement for GK if you can't get him yet. Also Barris is a good replacement for Hoda. Most people don't have him, and Barris is a sufficient replacement.

    Most of the rest of the easily obtained Jedi are pretty much garbage when it comes to end game. Anakin included. He is pretty much garbage also, but does ok under Bastilla with the right mods.
  • "Kodiak_Skywalker;d-185443" wrote:
    So I suppose if everyone gets on here and says kit is a waste of time then I'll rethink

    Kit is a waste of time.
    Barris is garbage under bastilla which is protection based.
    I’d say Ashoka is a harder/better hitter/healer for that team.

    The goal is to kill the opposing team before they get through your protection and buffs.

    Farm old Ben, Ezra, qui-gon are relatively easy farms. Get GMyoda ASAP.

    Can run bastilla, Ben, Ezra, qui-gon, askoka.

    Swap Ashoka for GMYoda when you get him.
    Then swap qui-gon with GK when you get him.

    Hermit yoda is the long goal to replace a tank of your choice.
  • I'll throw a vote in for Aayla in place of Kit. Stun, self-heal, assist w/ damage boost. Was one of my first 7* Jedi and still use regularly, so I'm biased but whatever.
  • Ezra is a must for any Jedi team if you ask me. Can remove buffs, multi-attacks and can call an ally to assist.

    Not to mention he hits like a truck
  • If he’s an early game player he can’t easily access all the characters you guys are suggesting!
    You want GMY at 7* and he’s the easiest Legendary to unlock BUT you do need 7* jedis.
    You should farm these 3 for sure!

    1) Ezra - best damage dealer & Phoenix team (needed for Thrawn + can unlock EP)
    2) Kanan - Solid taunting tank & Phoenix team
    3) Old Ben - Needed to unlock CLS & once maxed “arguable” the best Jedi tank at endgame...

    I’d then have Bastila on farm but it may take a while to reach 7*, so best to farm two more:
    Since Ezra/Old Ben are Cantina farms and Kanan Squad Arena - let’s avoid those stores!
    4) Luminara - Galactic War Store
    5) Ahsoka - Cantina Store (Even though you will replace her, she’s got a good ship)

    So —-> Luminara(Lead), Ezra, Kanan, Ahsoka and Old Ben. (get them to 7*!)
    Once you unlock GMY and get Bastila geared you should run this team:

    Bastila(l), Ezra, GMY, Old Ben*, Kanan**

    The team above is what I use (at G12, Zetas) to hold Top 20 in Arena. Kanan will be replaced shortly with a zJolee.
    *Old Ben with his Zeta Devoted Protector vs GKenobi is the argument for slot 4.
    **The best Jedi options for slot 5 are Hermit Yoda (hard to get) & zJolee.
    The next best Jedi options are Aayla or JKA if you want DPS or Kanan if you want another taunting tank to keep Ezra and GMY alive (or better still GK and Old Ben if you have both!)