1. Don't do your dailies just to do your dailies, and never collect your daily activity rewards while still under level 60. The daily activity awards grant you experience points, but if you don't accept them then your only experience will come from spending energy. This means, essentially, that you'll farm more ship blueprints and toon shards per level. AFTER you hit level 60, collect those rewards with their extra experience points. The exact reason why might be hard to understand, but basically you don't get assigned to a Squad Arena or Fleet Arena group until you hit a specific level. If you avoid going up levels too quickly, then you'll have more developed toons & ships by the time you arrive at the crucial levels. Once you hit level 60, though, you're assigned a Fleet Arena server, and you will already be on a Squad Arena server, so there's no advantage to delaying any more after that.
So, yeah. Decline the daily rewards before level 60, accept them after.
2. Focus on Fleet first. When level 60 hits, fleet will be new to everyone, but the prepared player might have farmed blueprints of ships before level 60 and saved Galactic War Tokens to buy ship blueprints as soon as the GW store allows you to purchase them at level 60. With the right preparation, you can zoom out ahead of your peers. There are many fewer people who choose to focus on fleet as compared to Squad Arena, so the competition is less fierce. Because of this, you have a real shot at getting near the top of Fleet arena early, and using the large amount of crystals you get from FA rewards to better your ships even faster than your peers, and then get to the point where you're finishing #1 in fleet every day. Once you get there, the rewards are so high (400 crystals per day) that you'll be able to accelerate the work your doing on your toons that aren't pilots.
Fleet first, squad second is just a more efficient way to go.
3. Never refresh a node to accelerate farming characters until you've been level 85 for a good, long time. It takes the same number of attempts to finish a character whether you do them 10/day or 5/day, so do 2 characters 5/day each and you'll finish the pair of characters on the same day without spending any crystals at all. The only difference is that the person spending 25 crystals/day for months would get one of the two characters to 7* half way through while the other is still at 0 shards, but the person not spending has both of the characters at 5* half way through. Early in the game you have so many characters you need to farm, and you're facing enemies with low enough strength that 5* can still be a viable toon, that refreshing the node simply never makes sense.
Someday the time will come when you have the vast majority of characters already at 7* and you would struggle to find a good use for all your energy if you didn't make extra attempts at a toon. At that point you can start refreshing nodes, but that's a long way from now. Even on double drop days, just accept a small amount of double drops on many toons instead of getting lots of double drops on a single toon. It's not worth it.