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m4silent's avatar
9 years ago

Ima Gun Di teams and level 80

TLDR: Ima Gun is going to be much more useful with this upcoming update.

So, anyone else excited? Ima Gun is looking good at level 80, especially with these new changes to come. Defense and health will become more relevant, and he has both defense in his leader and defense up for an ability, plus good health. So, let's dig more into that:

Ima Gun Di as a leader ( currently +35% counter, +30 defense) is going to become an even more solid choice. Not only will he give all Jedi a +35% counter chance (my Aayla has 65% and I have NEVER seen her NOT counter. Could be good RNG, or add his chance to hers for 100% counter), he will also add +25% counter damage. Both Aayla and Kit have bonus damage (Aayla +50% counter damage, Kit +15% offense) meaning they have the potential to hit very hard on their counters, and have a really high chance to counter. Ima Gun lead also adds defense to all heroes, not just Jedi. With the update making defense relevant, his leader ability is looking to be really solid.

Ima Gun Di's special is a single target attack that adds defense up to all for 2 turns with a 3 turn cooldown. Next ability upgrade allows the defense up buff to last 3 turns, so it lasts the entire abilities cooldown. Meaning defense up the entire match. With defense now becoming relevant with the update, applying a defense up buff to the entire team might actually be useful at mitigating damage. Add in the defense from his leader, and you have a pretty solid defensive buff with Ima Gun Di on your team.

Ima Gun Di's basic attack (currently has 25% chance of inflicting defense down, +100% damage vs droids) will get a nice buff. Not only will the chance to inflict defense down increase by +25% (so total chance of 50%) to inflict defense down, it might actually become useful. When the update launches and defense becomes relevant, the ability to cut into it and reduce the enemies defense will also be useful and increase damage against that target.

And finally, Ima Gun Di's unique. Currently whenever he suffers a critical hit, he heals for 14% of his max health every turn, for 3 turns. Once the level cap is raised he gets +1% heal and then +1 heal turn. So, he will heal for 15% max health each turn for 4 turns (60% of his health). A pretty nice heal over time. With the changes to advantage (gaurunteed crit), this could be a really useful unique, giving him some nice sustainability.

All in all, I think that the changes to the game are going to bring him back into a top tier leader, at least for Jedi. He will bring an awesome leader ability, if you so choose to use it, and an array of good, useful support abilities. So, regardless of whether you use him as a leader for your Jedi, or just a support hero you bring, he is looking like a solid choice for a hero.

Feel free to post your thoughts and discuss.
  • "M9silent;277002" wrote:
    @El_Duderino @Darth_Jay77 I won't lie. It took a pretty penny to get her arena worthy * lvl wise. She is a beast though and an awesome hero. With Ima Gun she counters 100% of the time. She has a really high critical chance, and therefore stuns a ton when she attacks. Her self heal special hits like a truck. Her basic calls assists 25% of the time (35% once we can upgrade the ability) and any Jedi that gets called does 50% more damage. Fantastic. She pairs so well with Ima Gun lead. Once the combat changes come from the update (whenever that is) she will hit harder, based off what they said slower heroes will do more and faster heroes will do less damage (we shall see of course). Even Kit Fisto will be good. 70% counter under Ima Gun lead, 30% bonus attack and 50% chance for turn meter gain on basic. He has amazing health, better with fortitude, and more damage will make him awesome.

    Basically, in my opinion, Ima Gun is the best Jedi leader. He really is. Sure, QGJ lead teams are good for the current speed meta, but that will all change soon (plus, I hold my own in arena with my Ima Gun team). When it does, Ima Gun Di is really gonna shine. His ability upgrades for this level cap are already great (+25% damage on counter. Aayla will have a total +75% counter damage) and will be made even better with the combat changes (defense and fortitude). He grants defense up to all allies and has a really good amount of health, meaning he will be even better with fortitude. He also does a very respectable amount of damage, and absolutely shreds droids. I love him.

    I went up against a 7-star Aayla one time. It was Dooku (L), Aayla, Daka, GS, and I think 86. I don't think he plays much but when he does play with that team it's always top-5. It's the one team I avoid because my team struggles with that dodge and Aayla. I'm really hoping she's part of the level 7 Cantina battles because I will farm the hell out of her. I lucked into a 6-star Kit Fisto and he was great for Yoda. I'd finish gearing him out if I get Aayla too. I don't like his AOE though, feels kinda' lame.
  • @Darth_Jay77 @El_Duderino So, if I knew how to post images, I would. Saved them to my phone. Anyways, I ranked #5 today with Ima Gun Di, Yoda, Anakin, QGJ, Aayla team. It really is awesome. And I am on an old server (started Dec 1st) filled with meta teams and whales (I won't lie, I'm a whale :) ) and my Ima Gun lead team just wrecks. I don't even have to use any crystals to refresh (so I'm a cheap whale. Whatever :) ). Anyways, the counter team is just really good, and if you look at the new 'update' notes, they are definitely going to implement some new combat changes. I really feel like the counter teams, high health and good counter chance, are really going to be good in this new meta. Personal opinion of course, but I am focusing on leveling them. Plus, I really love Jedi. I can't help but use them, because they make Star Wars in my opinion (so do Sith. Light sabers are awesome).

    Honestly, the counter team is great. If you can't put in Aayla (I know, whale) then I would suggest Lumi for heals, or Ahsoka. She is super fast, offers a consistent (since the update) off heal, great self heal/life steal with her basic, and really good speed, crit and damage. I just love the Ima Gun lead Jedi teams. So good.
  • "M9silent;277313" wrote:
    @Darth_Jay77 @El_Duderino So, if I knew how to post images, I would. Saved them to my phone. Anyways, I ranked #5 today with Ima Gun Di, Yoda, Anakin, QGJ, Aayla team. It really is awesome. And I am on an old server (started Dec 1st) filled with meta teams and whales (I won't lie, I'm a whale :) ) and my Ima Gun lead team just wrecks. I don't even have to use any crystals to refresh (so I'm a cheap whale. Whatever :) ). Anyways, the counter team is just really good, and if you look at the new 'update' notes, they are definitely going to implement some new combat changes. I really feel like the counter teams, high health and good counter chance, are really going to be good in this new meta. Personal opinion of course, but I am focusing on leveling them. Plus, I really love Jedi. I can't help but use them, because they make Star Wars in my opinion (so do Sith. Light sabers are awesome).

    Honestly, the counter team is great. If you can't put in Aayla (I know, whale) then I would suggest Lumi for heals, or Ahsoka. She is super fast, offers a consistent (since the update) off heal, great self heal/life steal with her basic, and really good speed, crit and damage. I just love the Ima Gun lead Jedi teams. So good.

    Which packs did you buy, the bigger ones or the small one?
  • "Darth_Jay77;277440" wrote:
    "M9silent;277313" wrote:
    @Darth_Jay77 @El_Duderino So, if I knew how to post images, I would. Saved them to my phone. Anyways, I ranked #5 today with Ima Gun Di, Yoda, Anakin, QGJ, Aayla team. It really is awesome. And I am on an old server (started Dec 1st) filled with meta teams and whales (I won't lie, I'm a whale :) ) and my Ima Gun lead team just wrecks. I don't even have to use any crystals to refresh (so I'm a cheap whale. Whatever :) ). Anyways, the counter team is just really good, and if you look at the new 'update' notes, they are definitely going to implement some new combat changes. I really feel like the counter teams, high health and good counter chance, are really going to be good in this new meta. Personal opinion of course, but I am focusing on leveling them. Plus, I really love Jedi. I can't help but use them, because they make Star Wars in my opinion (so do Sith. Light sabers are awesome).

    Honestly, the counter team is great. If you can't put in Aayla (I know, whale) then I would suggest Lumi for heals, or Ahsoka. She is super fast, offers a consistent (since the update) off heal, great self heal/life steal with her basic, and really good speed, crit and damage. I just love the Ima Gun lead Jedi teams. So good.

    Which packs did you buy, the bigger ones or the small one?

    @Darth_Jay77 I always buy the biggest packs. The 8x chromium mega packs gauruntee a character unlock. Plus they offer a discount. Even when I didn't feel like dropping $100 on the crystals packs (best deal they say), I still saved my winnings for the 8x packs. Best pack I ever got (unlock wise) got me 6/8 heroes unlocked. I had a few, but got an Anakin in it, which is really nice. The small ones are just not worth it (if you're going to spend crystals). It does suck to save up, but it's cheaper with a gaurunteed hero unlock.
  • "M9silent;277487" wrote:
    "Darth_Jay77;277440" wrote:
    "M9silent;277313" wrote:
    @Darth_Jay77 @El_Duderino So, if I knew how to post images, I would. Saved them to my phone. Anyways, I ranked #5 today with Ima Gun Di, Yoda, Anakin, QGJ, Aayla team. It really is awesome. And I am on an old server (started Dec 1st) filled with meta teams and whales (I won't lie, I'm a whale :) ) and my Ima Gun lead team just wrecks. I don't even have to use any crystals to refresh (so I'm a cheap whale. Whatever :) ). Anyways, the counter team is just really good, and if you look at the new 'update' notes, they are definitely going to implement some new combat changes. I really feel like the counter teams, high health and good counter chance, are really going to be good in this new meta. Personal opinion of course, but I am focusing on leveling them. Plus, I really love Jedi. I can't help but use them, because they make Star Wars in my opinion (so do Sith. Light sabers are awesome).

    Honestly, the counter team is great. If you can't put in Aayla (I know, whale) then I would suggest Lumi for heals, or Ahsoka. She is super fast, offers a consistent (since the update) off heal, great self heal/life steal with her basic, and really good speed, crit and damage. I just love the Ima Gun lead Jedi teams. So good.

    Which packs did you buy, the bigger ones or the small one?

    @Darth_Jay77 I always buy the biggest packs. The 8x chromium mega packs gauruntee a character unlock. Plus they offer a discount. Even when I didn't feel like dropping $100 on the crystals packs (best deal they say), I still saved my winnings for the 8x packs. Best pack I ever got (unlock wise) got me 6/8 heroes unlocked. I had a few, but got an Anakin in it, which is really nice. The small ones are just not worth it (if you're going to spend crystals). It does suck to save up, but it's cheaper with a gaurunteed hero unlock.

    Gotcha. Makes sense. I use most of my money for farming (refreshes) but if I have a little extra I do buy one of those here and there because I really want Aayla, Leia, and Rex at 7-stars. That's how I got my Kit Fisto to 6.
  • @kbonifay You should definitely keep farming the hard nodes for Ima Gun Di. He's great. A hard and slow farm to be sure, but well worth it. With the heroes you mentioned when they counter:

    Yoda gains foresight and turn meter. QGJ can gain turn meter. Ahsoka heals herself, giving her great sustainability. Lumi can gain evade up. Bariss has a chance to heal the group. Kit can bonus attack. Aayla can call an ally to assist.

    Good group of Jedi you have there, and all made better by Ima Gun lead. The new combat changes coming this week will really change up the game. Defense meaning something, protection being added (originally devs called the stat fortitude), and speed/damage being tweaked (faster heroes will do less and slower heroes more, supposedly). When all that comes into play, a Jedi counter team is going to be awesome again. Ima Gun has great health, decent speed, good damage and a very defensive kit (loadout, skill set, whatever it's called). Even Kit Fisto and Mace Windu may become areana worthy.

    I'm really looking forward to the new changes to the game, and have been preparing accordingly. Can't wait to see how my Ima Gun lead Jedi team gets improved.
  • @kbonifay You're welcome. I'm not a fan of the current speed meta either (really can't wait for these combat changes). Everyone just uses the fastest heroes that do damage, behind one tank. It's really boring seeing slightly different combinations of RG, Poe, Sid, Dooku, GS, FOTP, Rey, QGJ, and so on. Boring. And then there are the big name heroes that are weak or never used because of slow speeds. Tarkin, Veers, Luke, Boba, Mace, Kit, etc (as you said, they're jedi after all) and others.

    Personally, I haven't farmed any of the super fast high damage meta heroes (except QGJ) and have been running an all Jedi team since I started playing (Dec 1st). Jedi and Sith make Star Wars in my opinion. When I got Ima Gun Di, I slotted him into my leader spot. Before that it was Mace Windu. Always placed top 20 to 10 (it can be done with all Jedi) in my arena (which is filled with meta teams) with my Ima Gun lead Jedi. Tested the all Jedi QGJ lead speed team (QGJ, Yoda, Ahsoka, Lumi, Anakin) for awhile, and it was good too. Always all Jedi, but the Ima Gun lead Jedi are just so much fun to use.

    Anyways, I'm glad you enjoyed the write up. The point of the game is to have fun (which is why I run all Jedi) and be competitive (again, why I run all Jedi. Ha). Farm and use who you like. If Jedi are your preference, then Ima Gun Di is the leader to use. He's just great.
  • I think the Dooku meta is just as lame as the speed meta. I hope they dial back Evasion when Protection is introduced.
  • @Helekil Aayla is a great hero. She has good damage, high critical chance, 100% stun on crit, 65% counter chance on her own (100% with Ima Gun lead), +50% bonus damage on counters (+25% extra with Ima Gun's lvl 80 leader ability), a self heal or her special and a 25% (becomes 35% once upgraded) chance to call an ally to assist (who gets +50% bonus damage if they are Jedi). She is such a good hero to have.

    @Darth_Jay77 I agree. I hope they do something with this evasion meta. I'm tired of rolling the dice on whether I can hit a hero or not. With no way to counter the evasion leaders, it's ridiculous. They are still beatable, but only because AI is controlling defense.
  • "M9silent;279723" wrote:

    @Darth_Jay77 I agree. I hope they do something with this evasion meta. I'm tired of rolling the dice on whether I can hit a hero or not. With no way to counter the evasion leaders, it's ridiculous. They are still beatable, but only because AI is controlling defense.

    I bet my Jedi team would do better against them on defense if the AI played Yoda better too. My top-20 is almost all Dooku lead teams and still finish top-5 but it's tough. There are some battles where I'm not able to knock out anybody because of Dooku's evasion buff and then I'll play the same team again and have a more equal match. I get that attacking and defending is based on RNG, but it should be this one-sided; it's like playing a slot machine and those odds are no good.

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