7 years ago
Is Bariss zeta being applied correctly?
Just a question...I haven't encountered her much, and fought a team with her in arena today. As I read it, when an ally is critically hit, they regain 20% health.
My question is this: when is the damage from the critical hit applied? It loojed like the answer is "it isn't", but that zeta says nothing about ignoring damage from a critical hit. My expectation would be that the damage is applied, and then they regain 20% health. So if the critical hit kills them, they would still be dead (unless some other effect revives them). That is not what it looked lik though.
I hit a 75% healthy GK with a fully charged (about 8 buffs) Fulcrum Whirlwind zeta (nonevadable, ignore 50% armor)...and his health went up.
Though now that I think about, I think I know what was happening. The hits from Whirlwind are treated as separate attacks, so for each hit he is regaining 20% of his health. That seems cheap and I don't like how those interact, but at least I can explain what is happening.
My question is this: when is the damage from the critical hit applied? It loojed like the answer is "it isn't", but that zeta says nothing about ignoring damage from a critical hit. My expectation would be that the damage is applied, and then they regain 20% health. So if the critical hit kills them, they would still be dead (unless some other effect revives them). That is not what it looked lik though.
I hit a 75% healthy GK with a fully charged (about 8 buffs) Fulcrum Whirlwind zeta (nonevadable, ignore 50% armor)...and his health went up.
Though now that I think about, I think I know what was happening. The hits from Whirlwind are treated as separate attacks, so for each hit he is regaining 20% of his health. That seems cheap and I don't like how those interact, but at least I can explain what is happening.