Great explanation.
It took me ages to learn how to use her properly, because it seems so counterintuitive to play her the way she needs to be played.
My Talia is 7* gear 7 level 60, she isn't the strongest on attack, she isn't the best for defense, but she is absolutely critical for certain things.
An example of Talia's counterintuitive play style is when she is almost dead. If my Talia is up for her turn and then an enemy is next, my goal is to heal Talia. What you have to do is sacrifice your health to further your squad's turn meter who can then heal you.
It isn't going to play well on defense, my team is probably terrible on defense, but for offensive stratergy she is one of the best in the game.
P.S. pairing her with Daka is a very good idea.
My squad is Ahsoka, Asajj, Talia, Daka & Luminara.