Forum Discussion

JStenholt97's avatar
6 years ago

Isn’t Poggle unique a little misleading?

Poggle unique adds 25% offence for the rest of the battle whenever a geo is defeated.. However, when GBA calls in a Brute it dosen’t count as a “defeated” character when he dies.

So my other question is: whats the purpose of the unique? Poggle is most likely the first to die in a geo team, and if its GBA its game over for the rest of the battle anyways.

Am I missing something?
  • The misleading part is that the omega upgrade says 'Separatist allies gain an additional 25% offense for each defeated ally' and then the upgrade adds the bonus to Separatist allies without Hive Mind.
    That unique is useless within geo teams indeed and there's no point using Poggle without the other bugs.
  • I thought that part of his unique was only useful if you ran him in a non-Geo Separatist team or a mix of Geos and other Separatists, as Geos won't receive the offense boost due to having Hive Mind. It doesn't have to be a Genosian die for the offensive boost, it's any ally.

    Summoned units not counting towards it is annoying though. I suppose they didn't want it to be overpowered on long battles.

    The omega upgrade doesn't benefit a whole Geo team as far as I can see, but I'm sure more experienced Genosian users can correct me if I'm wrong.
  • "Treeburner;c-1937941" wrote:
    "Mephisto_style;c-1937340" wrote:
    "Crackling_Doom;c-1936867" wrote:

    That unique is only useful if Geonosian Brood Alpha gets killed (which means Hive Mind is gone).

    Yeah, a lot of people don't seem to be processing the algorithmic nature of the ability. It is more like ST Han's offense buff in his lead.

    On a full GBA bug team, if at any point GBA gets taken out this is a huge buff. It is an immediate 50% offense to Poggle, Spy, Sun Fax, and GS. They all lost hive mind gain 25% offense then defeated ally 25%. It's a mechanism for the team to not be melted butter when GBA dies, but instead scolding hot butter. G Spy's Silent Strike just got a loooooooooottttttttttt more damaging when GBA dies. I think the idea is to make this more like an enrage part of.the battle.

    Go have a look at my post about the poggle unique it will answer all these questions.

  • I sometimes sub out my weak Spy for a stronger Droideka in my bug team. Poggle's unique comes in handy. It's a situational thing.
  • Really intended for if you ran him with sep droids since gg eats his team imo.

    Not that it would actually help gg any I think.
  • I ran into an interesting squad in one of the recent GAs, Dooku lead g13, Asajj, Nute, and Poggle all g12 with a low gear GG basically just there as a filler. Dooku, Asajj, Nute and Poggle all have abilities that stack offense over the course of a battle, I can imagine that ramping up pretty quick...
  • "Crackling_Doom;c-1936867" wrote:

    That unique is only useful if Geonosian Brood Alpha gets killed (which means Hive Mind is gone).

    Yeah, a lot of people don't seem to be processing the algorithmic nature of the ability. It is more like ST Han's offense buff in his lead.

    On a full GBA bug team, if at any point GBA gets taken out this is a huge buff. It is an immediate 50% offense to Poggle, Spy, Sun Fax, and GS. They all lost hive mind gain 25% offense then defeated ally 25%. It's a mechanism for the team to not be melted butter when GBA dies, but instead scolding hot butter. G Spy's Silent Strike just got a loooooooooottttttttttt more damaging when GBA dies. I think the idea is to make this more like an enrage part of.the battle.
  • "Mephisto_style;c-1937340" wrote:
    "Crackling_Doom;c-1936867" wrote:

    That unique is only useful if Geonosian Brood Alpha gets killed (which means Hive Mind is gone).

    Yeah, a lot of people don't seem to be processing the algorithmic nature of the ability. It is more like ST Han's offense buff in his lead.

    On a full GBA bug team, if at any point GBA gets taken out this is a huge buff. It is an immediate 50% offense to Poggle, Spy, Sun Fax, and GS. They all lost hive mind gain 25% offense then defeated ally 25%. It's a mechanism for the team to not be melted butter when GBA dies, but instead scolding hot butter. G Spy's Silent Strike just got a loooooooooottttttttttt more damaging when GBA dies. I think the idea is to make this more like an enrage part of.the battle.

    Go have a look at my post about the poggle unique it will answer all these questions.