Forum Discussion

unit900000's avatar
9 years ago

jawa engineer is terrible I think I'm done with droid teams

Ok so he's not terrible madder of fact he's what droids needed. But when he gets called for a a_ssist by ig86 which seems to be all most every time that in and of itself will lose you games and I'm sick and tired of it I can't deal with this seemingly rigged crap anymore I think it's time for me to switch teams. And don't say switch back to poggle because he's to slow.
  • I have him at 7 and decent gear but he's not the new miracle at all
  • "Batman44gaming;480395" wrote:
    "unit900000;480350" wrote:
    "JohnnySteelAlpha;480335" wrote:
    Are you using HK as the lead with Omega leader?

    88 should be tearing stuff up as well...and HK isn't too shabby either once he's geared. They definitely are better though with GG or B2 as the 4th droid instead of Magna - though he's deadly once geared highly (he's a tough one to gear).

    Well-built droids with JE are among the better arena teams - capable of defending in the D slot. It is annoying when JE is called for the assist, but on a team of 5 he will get called in 1 in every 4 assist at least.

    Lmao 1 in every 4 is a joke he was called about 4 or 5 times in a row. And yes I use HK omega lead along with ig88 and 86, Poe and JE. I have hit #1 with this team and I have been using JE for a while now and I used to run the same team but poggle instead of JE. Calling JE for an a_ssist is like taking a sledgehammer to the knee and is the reason why I have lost a fair amount of my games.

    There's your problem, you're only running 3 droids. I suggest B2 or GG over poe.

    I don't have the money to blow on trying to get b2 and GG taunt passive is to garbedge for me to care and try to hard farm him as a f2p. If anything I'll switch Poe for magnagaurd. People really underestimate him he's not as bad as people clame he is.
  • "Naecabon;480390" wrote:
    "JohnnySteelAlpha;480364" wrote:
    "Naecabon;480352" wrote:
    JE is currently bugged and his bombs are exploding a t urn later than they should be.

    The idea of this ever being addressed is another story entirely, but know that ideally some day his bombs will be exploding on the first turn of the enemy like they're supposed to.

    That did always make me wonder what '1 turn' meant. If he throws it round 1, the toon it sticks to moves later in round 1 and it doesn't detonate, but at the start of that character's next turn it does. It's like it doesn't count the current turn of the toon that it impacts as 1 turn.

    The real concerning evidence is the fact Greedo's detonator reads "after two turns" but in using it it explodes on the exact same timetable as JE.

    Something's definitely amiss.

    Sushi it. Shhhh.
    The longer JE's bombs stay on target the stronger ig88 is. You don't want his bombs exploding! You want him and his 200 speed to lay down debuffs on every single enemy before ig88 charges up his AOE.

  • I run droids and took top rank twice in last 3 days . I run hk lead omega ig88 , Ig86 , JE, RG. I mix in jawa and Magmaguard on occasion . Don't have B2 yet but he's the icing on the cake with him it would be a lot easier. Make sure you distribute them bombs around ig88 gets more bonus if all have effects on everyone. My opening burst kills Rey before she moves I never tracked but would guess from my experience over 90 percent. Don't give up on droids yet there a lot of fun and many options ig88 lead is a lot of fun. In EAs video from there event last week showed r2d2 in action as well . No team is unbeatable with ai controlling so don't lose faith because of how droids defend.
  • "Jabba;480756" wrote:
    I run droids and took top rank twice in last 3 days . I run hk lead omega ig88 , Ig86 , JE, RG. I mix in jawa and Magmaguard on occasion . Don't have B2 yet but he's the icing on the cake with him it would be a lot easier. Make sure you distribute them bombs around ig88 gets more bonus if all have effects on everyone. My opening burst kills Rey before she moves I never tracked but would guess from my experience over 90 percent. Don't give up on droids yet there a lot of fun and many options ig88 lead is a lot of fun. In EAs video from there event last week showed r2d2 in action as well . No team is unbeatable with ai controlling so don't lose faith because of how droids defend.

    agree w everything quoted and run same team

    JE takes the REY stress away because she is either dead before she moves or shortly after

    the only team i have issues with is rex lead because then i need to kill rex first and gives rey some wiggle room
  • Clones are my toughest opponents with my droids. They feed off the crits making them go faster and Rex cleanses all the debuffs. I have to switch sometimes to my b team to beat .
    Sushi it. Shhhh.
    The longer JE's bombs stay on target the stronger ig88 is. You don't want his bombs exploding! You want him and his 200 speed to lay down debuffs on every single enemy before ig88 charges up his AOE.

    It's a double-edged sword. On defense, this means your team is going to blindly waste attacks on toons that are "already dead." It can also give a team time to heal or remove + heal negative status effects. It also gives that toon a chance to be called in for an assist before he bites it, which could be good or bad.
  • 2 problems with your team...86 and Poe. To capitalize on HK lead and JE speed boost, u need 3 more droids that aoe. 88, 100, B2, GG. 88 has to be 1 of them tho. JE lets your droids go 1st, u aoe the other team down, your droids all fill their turn meters and go again unless u face clones. The issue in not JE being called to assist, it's that 86 doesn't belong.
  • Like others I run HK(L and omega leadership), 88, 86(omega basic and assist attack), JE (halfway to 7*, everyone else is 7*) , and then GS; JE, GS and 86 are G9; HK and 88 are G8. I have been doing pretty good with this team and before JE with my Poggle team I ranked in top 100, now I average top 50 and can get into top 20-30 for payout depending on how the Dooku Dodge Leadership treats me(having terrible luck these past few days, 88 hasn't landed his aoe on anyone so far). I am going to start farming IG-100 to replace GS and then when I face double taunt and sometimes RG I sub in my Mace (need a droid caller for G9 and subsequently he'll be G10 as he's easy to gear), and I sub in my Jawa against other JE Droid teams (there are 2 others on my sever) so I can stun them all (or at least some) before they go. This comp is good and I would recommend it. It is not meta and it's not P2P like B2(not slamming you guys, I'm super jealous that's all). All characters can be unlocked and starred fairly quickly, and depending on how often you do T7 and what your rank/RNG is like for rewards, you should end up with a fairly decent squad to compete with and should be doing well in arena. I do understand your pain on JE assisting 86's special and I hope that CG do something about his detonator (or at least boost his potency so it's not resisted all the time).
  • Droids kinda slow down a bit toward mid 70's. But when you get to 80 and start omega-ing, you can finally reap the benefits of a full droid team. No RG, no Han, no GS. Once omega'd, IG-100 is better, overall. And if you're P2P, B2.

    With 4 droids, you will feel good about droids, again. You have only one assist caller, IG86. And only 1 non-droid for an assist pull. You will have it made in the shade. Especially after all the whiners succeed in getting evasion nerfed. Oh gosh, yes, nerf the best F2P team (Old Ben +- Han) that can stop The Droids.