8 years ago
Jedi Leia ever possible?
YES I KNOW THAT'S NO LONGER CANON, but this game has non-canon characters
So, I'm all for Jedi Luke coming (ROTJ version ofc) who is already on his way. He'll be a great character no doubt, but that got me thinking: his twin sister is quite weak character (aside from Princess Zody), nowhere near meta. At least JKA is part of the Jedi team, but is there really any worthy Rebel comp which uses Princess Leia? I don't think she needs a rework, she's OK for a beginner and works in hAAT, so I'd rather have a different version (we have Farmerboy Luke, too). That version could be General Leia from ST, but how's this not better:
So, I'm all for Jedi Luke coming (ROTJ version ofc) who is already on his way. He'll be a great character no doubt, but that got me thinking: his twin sister is quite weak character (aside from Princess Zody), nowhere near meta. At least JKA is part of the Jedi team, but is there really any worthy Rebel comp which uses Princess Leia? I don't think she needs a rework, she's OK for a beginner and works in hAAT, so I'd rather have a different version (we have Farmerboy Luke, too). That version could be General Leia from ST, but how's this not better: