8 years ago
JTR under Zeta Finn Lead
Can we talk about how amazing JTR is under a Finn Zeta lead? All the discussion seems to be about who’s leader ability is better, JTR is better in arena but thats about it. JTR is exactly what a zFinn Lead needed. When you run her under zFinn the cooldowns are a non-issue, people were concerned about her 5 cooldown for each ability but under zFinn I can use any ability with her every turn. So I use mind trick which gives her close to %100 turn meter and reduces the opponents turn meter, then immediately use Defiant Slash and call zBB-8 to assist EVERY TURN, its total domination. Every time its BB-8’s turn I give out secret intel so JTR gains more turn meter and shes going twice as much as any other resistance toon, and being able to use Defiant slash constantly and calling zBB8-8 to assist everytime means that no longer will BB-8 do little to no damage, BB-8 attacks more than most toons on the team now. I run zFinn, Poe, Ressistance Trooper, JTR and zBB-8. They are crazy good, the secret is out now... thoughts?