6 years ago
JTR w/o zetas
Is she worth leveling and gearing before I can zeta her? Just got her but need another 25 zeta mats to fully zeta my sep droids..... And who should I be using with her? https://swgoh.gg/p/431528984...
"Baby_Yoda;c-2057535" wrote:"CCyrilS;c-2057530" wrote:"DarthNekros;c-2057521" wrote:"CCyrilS;c-2057382" wrote:"DarthNekros;c-2057363" wrote:"CCyrilS;c-2057300" wrote:"DarthNekros;c-2057292" wrote:"Jack1210;c-2057283" wrote:"DarthNekros;c-2057176" wrote:
Unless resistance is the next faction you're going for, no. Focus on your Separatists and probably GR to get GAS. Galactic Legend Rey and Kylo are the endgoal for FO and Resistance, and personally I wouldn't recommend going full into those teams until you're ready for the full commitment.
Ya I get that sentiment, I'm looking to get her ready to take on 70-90k squads in GAC, not trying to max her, but I know it's better to stay focused on one thing at a time...
At this point in the game, you must know that Power doesn't matter much in this game. It isn't a real indicator, it's simply a metric that's used to really hold us back.
The mechanics are what matter. If you wanna make her usable, that's your prerogative, but essentially Rey really only needs her lead and BB-8s unique. She's used best as a Bounty Hunter counter and that's really about it. She CAN beat other, weaker teams, like Ewoks, Old Republic (Carth and crew) etc, but I would strongly recommend looking elsewhere. I say this as someone with a Relic 4 JTR, all zetas on her and BB8, which I use moreso as a droid team (I think it's more fun) rather than a Resistance one.
Really? Best as a BH counter?
I was running her in arena beating JKR during the revan meta. I don't think you're using her right.
A completely optimized JTR involves C3P0 and R2, no? Now, with the new RH Finn and Poe, BB8 and I would assume (Holdo or OG Finn), maybe that changes, but i use C3P0 and R2 for different teams. He's talking about GA, rather than arena, which means I don't use those droids with her.
Depends what he plans on running, then. I don't think it's fair to make a blanket statement that she's not that good. Especially to a lower gp player who may not have 5 different squads vying for the droids.
Seeing as how he has 3mill GP, as well Padme and CLS teams, which are usually the teams that draw 3P0 and R2 away, I feel that my assumptions were justified. I looked at his account completely before reporting my analysis.
Besides, I gave reasons as to why she was okay and what she could do, but seeing as how OP's Geos, Sith, Bounty Hunters, and 501st aren't that great, I feel that they should finish their separatist droids, then probably work on Sith Empire for DRevan then Malak eventually, or 501st for GAnakin (minor recommendation), or something along those lines.
If OP is going for BEST, definitely hit SE for Malak as he'll always be important, buff GR and Sep and 501st for GAS, then Resistance and/or FO for the Galactic Legends, but judging by the state of their roster, Galactic Legends really should be the last thing on the list thus far because of the massive requirements and OP's lack of commitment in said area already.
I do my best to not make blanket statements, as they're almost always wrong. If you look at my post, you'll see it was indeed not one and that my words were chosen carefully rather than spurted without tact.
I just have a different opinion of her usefulness I guess. Actually never heard of her as a go to BH counter (doesn't mean she couldn't be).
Personally I keep her and the droids available for offense and figure out where to use whom when I see the defense. For me there's always a potential that I would use them together, so yeah, in a case where I end up needing her I would have to say she's pretty good.
Her usefulness is the new Rey
That’s it