I think he has great potential at lvl 80 gear X. His hp and protection is huge. Potency helps Aayla stun and Obi mind trick. His damage really isnt too bad if he double attacks, IF he double attacks. Huge counter chance paired with Ima, and ima gives 25% bonus to counter attack damage when omega skilled leader.
Thing is, even in my planned counter team when I hit 80 in the next few days struggles to fit him in.
Ima, Aayla, Bariss, Yoda, Leia. Yoda is your only chance against teams with a lot of stuns and hard counters vader + obi, but I guess its only temporary, once tenacity wears off its stunlock city again =P. I would have Obi in there too but there are too many dooku lead teams still im just going to give a free offence up to half the enemy team.
Kit can be subbed in for Bariss, yoda or Leia in that team comp I believe, he still feels like he maybe needs just a little more something, even just a better chance for his basic to double attack.