"hotdeaths;c-1831504" wrote:
CLS has just been slaughtered with the critical hit fear and reduced percentage effects. Looks like it just Revan vs Darth Revan now...
"We will try to keep a rock, paper, scissors meta,,
Oh well at least it won't take up 90% meta yet
I dont get why you say this.
Yes, critically hitting Malak would hurt. However, this is only applicable in the first few rounds, because after that, he gets massive crit avoidance, so no chance of critting him. And in those first few rounds, why would you hit the tank? Why not Badstilla, or at least, the other tank, SiT? (especially as SiT is a pre taunter - Malak is not.)
Once you kill all 4 allies, you really think your full cls team cant handle malak?