4 years ago
Kit Reveal: Dash Rendar
UNIT NAME: Dash Rendar ALIGNMENT: Light Side CATEGORIES: Light Side, Support, Leader, Scoundrel Charismatic Scoundrel Leader who gives Scoundrel allies Prepared. ------ ABILITI...
"GRANDOLA;c-2315034" wrote:
BAM, Dash, han, chewie and young han would be the team I would say, young han can pass prepared to anyone after a successful attack and then han and chewie should be passing 12% tm per attack.
"Sebek;c-2315039" wrote:"Blarson007;c-2315036" wrote:"Sebek;c-2315033" wrote:"Blarson007;c-2315030" wrote:"GRANDOLA;c-2315024" wrote:
Huh, reading this under the BAM lead if you passed han and chewie prepared there should be TM of 4% per attack
What do you mean by "passed Han and Chewie prepared"?
By "passed Han and Chewie prepared", they meant granting Prepared to Han/Chewie.
So just have them on the squad? Unless I missed a part of the kit that explicitly grants prepared.
Other scoundrels like Young Lando or Young Han can grant Prepared to target allies.