Dash is very much like MM: one new toon comes, takes an obsolete faction and makes a useful squad. Really wish his lead was capped off with a zeta though. Limiting the ability that will make or break the squad to one game mode is really meh. Tossing a mode-limited upgrade on old toons like Phasma when the new ability seems to have the potential to supercharge Phasma into the stratosphere is fine, but that tier 8 upgrade on Dash feels like not enough to lock it into just GAC, and he's a new marquee. Phasma is years old.
If omicrons are gonna appear on all new toons going forward, I will very quickly become sour on them. Super exclusive ability mats that give viability only in one gamemode is a meh design to begin with. Phasma's actually looks like an ability that could be on a Galactic Legend. Dash's very much does not, it just makes prepared smugglers actually useful.