"3pourr2;c-1619129" wrote:
"Bulldog1205;c-1619113" wrote:
"EventineElessedil;c-1619089" wrote:
"3pourr2;c-1619076" wrote:
"Mydnight;c-1618975" wrote:
Stoked about getting another new character, but starting to feel like things are stagnant.
It's great seeing these new characters, but it takes so long before they can really see use. 3 months till they're farmable, and even then they're being put mostly on hard nodes. Even if they went into the cantina I now have multiple characters in points that are difficult to farm.
Even with the difficulty farming the characters, I'm starting to ask, "Why?" No new legendary events, no new Heroes Journey. The new assault battle is fun, but it's still going to take another 2 to 3 months before I can try the final tier with Bossk. So again what are we getting out of this? I like that we get new characters for playing the game, but that seems to be all the game is giving.
I started using bossk right away he’s almost 5 * gear 11 and has a zeta on his lead. So even low star toons can be great without being 7*.
These people who complain about "useless" 3* marquee characters do not know what they are talking about. Low stars do not lock them out of arena.
Yes, more stars = better, but 3* does not mean useless. And for just a few dollars, a 4* is easy to get.
He won’t be arena viable regardless of star count, because he’s a terrible matchup against both Traya and Bastilla, the 2 teams that dominate arena. He’s useless in raids and TB unless you spend to star him up. The only place he’s usable is TW, and he’s just not good enough that he’s worth gearing up over characters who can be used elsewhere too.
Only current meta will net you top in arena your point is null and void. And meta changes so look out. You also haven’t used him so it’s all speculation.
Huh. Saying only the current meta gets top in arena that only the current meta gets the top of the arena is exactly my point, it doesn’t nullify it. And yes, the meta can certainly change. But unless you have a prediction for the new meta it’s kind of an irrelevant point.