5 years agoSeasoned Ace
Kit Reveal: Kuiil
CATEGORIES: Light Side, Support, Scoundrel
A supportive mechanic who aids Scoundrels and Droids.
Basic: Engineer's Gambit
FINAL TEXT: Deal Special damage to target enemy and inflict Burning for 3 turns.
Special 1: Voltaic Shot (Cooldown 2)
FINAL TEXT: Deal Special damage to target enemy, Stun them for 1 turn, and inflict Speed Down and Shock for 3 turns. If the target already had Burning, inflict Expose for 2 turns. If the target already had Shock, inflict Shock for 3 turns on the lowest Health enemy that didn't already have it.
Special 2: I Have Spoken (Cooldown 4)
FINAL TEXT: All allies recover Health and Protection equal to 20% of Kuiil's Max Health and Max Protection, doubled for Scoundrel and Droid allies. Scoundrel allies gain 25% Turn Meter. Scoundrel and Light Side Droid allies gain Mechanic's Savvy for 2 turns which can't be copied.
Mechanic's Savvy provides different bonuses based on the ally's faction:
- Scoundrels: +20% Critical Chance, +40% Critical Damage, and Defense Penetration
- Droids: +40% Offense. If a Droid has this buff when they are defeated, they are revived with 80% of their Max Health and Max Protection
Unique: (ZETA) Frontier Wisdom
FINAL TEXT: At the start of battle, other Scoundrel and Droid allies gain 40% of Kuiil's Max Health, Offense and Potency, and until the first time Kuiil is defeated, those allies gain 40% of Kuiil's Max Protection.
Kuiil and Droid allies recover 20% Protection when an enemy is inflicted with Shock.
While an allied Kuiil and IG-11 are alive: Kuiil and IG-11 have +10% Health Steal and +30% Potency. Kuiil can't be Critically Hit or Stunned and whenever IG-11 is Critically Hit he recovers 20% Protection.