@Kyno @CG_Doja_Fett please Change the AI! Gideon open with darksaber (which is overall more a flavour move from Season 1 as you already explained at Developer Insights) is really bad. Yes some toons arent good with AI, but you already good some right. I mean imagine Nest would Not open with aoe Daze/TM setback etc. Given Gideon a strong Kit ist good (but i overall would suggest to Change him like hux, means not working as Plug &Play and is more about using with Empire or Troopers only, cause his lead already favour this Theme) but If its the case that AI open with Darksaber Special First he misses his best move and will clearly be bad for GAC/TW Performance or only result into a cool Fan villian from Mandalorian that is only usefull on Player control/Attack...