6 years agoSeasoned Ace
Kit Reveal: Resistance Hero Finn
Kit Reveal - Developer Insight
UNIT NAME: Resistance Hero Finn
CATEGORIES: Light Side, Attacker, Resistance
Supportive Attacker whose Inspiration empowers his allies on the battlefield
Basic: Mending Fire
Final Text: Deal Special damage to target enemy, and the weakest Resistance ally recovers 10% Health and Protection. If Resistance Hero Finn is not Inspired, reduce the cooldown of Strength of Will by 1.
Special 1: Strength of Will (Cooldown 4)
FINAL TEXT: Resistance Hero Finn becomes Inspired, and then deals Special damage twice to target enemy, which can't be evaded. Swap Turn Meter with another Resistance ally. This attack has +10% Defense Penetration and +5% Critical Damage for each Inspired ally.
Inspired: Resistance characters gain bonuses when they are Inspired; this effect expires after receiving 3 critical hits
Special 2: Rallying Call (Cooldown 4)
FINAL TEXT: Dispel debuffs from all allies, deal Special damage to all enemies, and Rally all Resistance allies.
Rally: Rallied characters act based on their role.
- Tanks Taunt and gain Critical Hit Immunity for 2 turns
- Attackers assist
- Healers and Supports restore 15% Health and Protection to all allies
Unique 1: Spark of Resistance
FINAL TEXT: (ZETA) All Resistance allies have +100% counter chance, +50% Defense, and +50% Tenacity while Resistance Hero Finn is Inspired. Additionally, while Resistance Hero Finn is Inspired, when an ally is prevented from using an ability during their turn, they recover 40% Health and Protection and gain 40% Turn Meter.