What loops? I may muss the fact we a) never had loops with HK over 3 years with a huge faction at pvp or pve b) even with aoe you get one Bonus Turn but since this AoE (If any, Not all droids have it) is on CD, c) No Droid with Double attack but even with design it with (2nd Attack cant gain TM) and d) with seperatist droids Rework incl. two marquee already done and nearly every important named Droid too it give no reason for further development that Crashes with HK cause Droid faction should be done. Even one new character Design idea shouldnt be the reason to kill the best lead from a faction that has only a few Bad leads left now.
Keep in mind B1 and Droideka (truedamage is like nerfed multiattack) are already designed around that lead (i feel other droids too) and i bet we see no adjustment here!
On top HK (while deservs to Share Something with Darth Revan) is more or less useless without his master, a passiv and Special not function which is bad design. Better Duos? Wiggs, Chaze, Han+Chewie, K2+Cassian heck even Sith Triumvirat are all examples for better together but not useless alone!
Last bet, since HK is all about anti Jedi i expect he gets cutted (If Revan Kit dont need him) the moment Jedi Revan Squad arent an issue at top Arena and it comes down to improve the mirror. Compared to fallen Bastila, HK maybe isnt needed and offer not much. (Jedi are doomed anyway)