Math says Offense set with CD triangle.
Given 3.5k physical offense not including set bonus or triangle (actual number is irrelevant, just an example)
Calculation based on Lash Out mechanics:
- Base Damage Multiplier: 120%
- Additional Damage Multiplier: (Base CD + 50% + Mod CD%) * 50%
Level 5 Mods
Offense Set - Offense Triangle: 9308
Offense Set - CD Triangle: 9580
CD Set - Offense Triangle: 8709
CD Set - CD Triangle: 8855
Level 6 Mods
Offense Set - Offense Triangle: 9510
Offense Set - CD Triangle: 9700
CD Set - Offense Triangle: 8924
CD Set - CD Triangle: 8960
Offense set definitely the way to go from a damage standpoint. CD and Offense triangle are within 2-3% of each other, so not a big difference. This calculation does not include the effects of flat offense secondaries, which would marginally dilute the effect of the %offense bonuses (which would just make the CD triangle more optimal, but would not be (even close to) enough to overcome set bonus difference).