"Train;c-2074710" wrote:
Math says Offense set with CD triangle.
Given 3.5k physical offense not including set bonus or triangle (actual number is irrelevant, just an example)
Calculation based on swgoh.gg Lash Out mechanics:
- Base Damage Multiplier: 120%
- Additional Damage Multiplier: (Base CD + 50% + Mod CD%) * 50%
Level 5 Mods
Offense Set - Offense Triangle: 9308
Offense Set - CD Triangle: 9580
CD Set - Offense Triangle: 8709
CD Set - CD Triangle: 8855
Level 6 Mods
Offense Set - Offense Triangle: 9510
Offense Set - CD Triangle: 9700
CD Set - Offense Triangle: 8924
CD Set - CD Triangle: 8960
Offense set definitely the way to go from a damage standpoint. CD and Offense triangle are within 2-3% of each other, so not a big difference. This calculation does not include the effects of flat offense secondaries, which would marginally dilute the effect of the %offense bonuses (which would just make the CD triangle more optimal, but would not be (even close to) enough to overcome set bonus difference).
Does any of that change and possibly make another set better with each relic level, specifically based on his mastery?