Forum Discussion

Akitaka55's avatar
9 years ago

Lando or Dooku

RIght, so I´ve finally maxed out my GS and took Barriss up to 5* and now thinking about farming a new character in cantina battles.

Dooku and Lando are my options. I don´t have any of them unlocked so it would be a long grind for both. I know that Dooku is a reliable end-game widely used toon and hard to deal with. I´ve not seen many Landos not even in whale teams, given that he´s squishy and rather slow, but his crit chance and damage input is quite interesting, and with the possible scoundrel event he might be useful, since I only have Boba and Chewie...

So then taking into consideration that I do not urgently need them for my arena team and both my LS and DS teams are strong, who would you suggest me to farm?? Please give reasons for your answers

Any advice and feedback would be much appreciated
  • If you want to participate in the upcoming Scoundrel event, you better start farming Calrissian asap. Otherwise, Darth Tyranus should be your go-to guy, he'll one of your primary toons in arena.
  • lando at cantina 1e, you can get much more shards than dooku shards. you can finish his shards in short time. after that you can go on dooku.
  • I agree. Half the appeal of Lando is the scoundrels event. Beyond that, get Count Dracula. Err... I mean, Saruman.
  • Hmm, been thinking about the evolution of the game meta and getting to the conclusion that speed will once again become more important. Speed combined with punching power even better
    Now with speed buffs coming in factions (QGJ - Jedi, Moff - Empire, Lando - Scoundrel, Lobot - Droid, Ackbar - Rebel) this creates yet another complication
    Not saying Dook needs a speed buff, but when facing a speed-buffed faction team I could see a Sith team get badly dismantled (esp as a lot of Sith dmg is DoT, Sith have below avg base dmg and rely on speed to get an egde)
    Lando hits a fraction harder and if made leader should also give him better DMG/unit time

    On balance, I'd take Lando (if I were thinking a Scoundrel team, which doesn't look that great to me: the hardest hitters are really squishy in Nute & Greedo, so stopping Chewie's slow taunt should allow a Scoundrel team to be flattened)

    So farming in Cantina makes me think QGJ (for the time being I've stopped Poe & FOO at 5*, think FOO is very under-rated because he's not flashy or a character, but stats are nice)
    or Hoth Scout who punches harder & faster than most (similar speed to GS with a harder base hit vs weaker special)
  • That´s interesting, but I think it will take a while until synergised/faction teams are fully usable, regardless of the speed burst in a speed&damage meta. Right now what is competitive is a bunch of characters with no other synergy than being fast themselves...

    I guess it is a good thing that these "dilemmas" on who to farm actually happen, problem is when there is no attractive available-to-farm toon, like in GW after finishing 2 or 3 there

    I was looking more at the actual viability of a 7* fully geared Lando and the way he would perform on a team without taunter that focuses on raw damage

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