Forum Discussion

Bethoth's avatar
4 years ago

Leader ability applying order

Is it speed that determines the leader ability applying order? Let me give an example that shows why I ask:

On the one hand, consider I have a character with 15% potency. If his leader gives him 10% potency, he has 25%. Then the opponent leader removes him 20% potency, he has 5%.

On the other hand, consider the same character but the opponent leader's leader ability applies first. Then the character has 0%. Then his leader gives him 10% so he has 10%.

In the first case, our character ends up having 5% potency and in the second case he ends up having 10% potency.

This difference is significant so there must be a way for the game to determine which leader applies his leader ability first, and I think it may be speed but I'm not sure at all so...
  • scuba75's avatar
    Rising Rookie
    I tested this all a while ago for the most part leads and unquies all process separately and is off of modded base stats.
    If a lead gives 30 speed and a unique give 25% speed you don't get 25% of the +30

    R2, chewpio and most likely ig11, the stat sharing process weird where they can actually stack uniques.

    I will try to find the post where I had the r2 number crunch tests.

    Found it
  • Don't think it works that way. You can go effective 0%, but I think it still keeps track of stacking effects.

    So your +10 adds to his -20 = -10. So either way you have 5%.
  • You can have negative potency, which would result in basically the same as extra tenacity for the enemies. So the order doesn't matter in this scenario.

    It does matter however if you would get like with speed a flat amount and a % amount.
    (for example if you have 100 speed, 1 ability gives you 10% extra and another ability gives 10 speed extra, if it's first the 10% and then the 10 flat, you'd get 100*1.10 + 10 = 100 + 10 + 10 = 120, if it's first the flat 10 and then the 10% it's (100 + 10) * 1.10 = 121)
    I don't know in which order it's calculated in this scenario.
  • Thank you both for your answers. I didn't know you could have negative potency but that is interesting. For the case with flat/% stat, the question still holds... I hope someone can help us know about that.
  • I believe it is always % based on the base stat, and then flat added in. (base stat x A%) + (base stat x B%) + flat and so on.

    I know R2 has something where his stat boost become part of the base, but I think that is the only scenario.