I'm still working on them myself (most are at 5 or 6 stars, g10–g11), but I kinda love them.
Qira, VanChew, L3, Nest, Zaalbar make an great TW defensive team.
This or a variant (St Han, Yolo could swap for Zaalbar or Nest) are a pretty reliable LS TB team, autoable at lower phases. They just have so much staying power.
They also have some pretty nice raid potential, I think: Qira, VanChew, StHan, Yolo, and a fifth scoundrel (Mission? Zaalbar for armor shred? Both?) do respectably well in STR p2. StHan shovels tons of TM to the rest, and all the protection regen (from VanChew, Yolo) keeps him in good shape. If you lose someone, VanChew brings them back (have not regretted that zeta at all). Sub in L3 for StHan for a heal in p1/p4. A zeta on Yolo would likely make them not just decent but very good, but I haven't splurged for his zeta yet.
Yolo himself fits into a nice HAAT team: AA, CLS, BB-8, Hoda, Yolo. McMole2 has soloed the entire HAAT with this team. Since I don't have those insane mods and am not going to move mods just for a raid, I can't solo but I can either get 15 mil (p1 and half of p2) or 25 mil (all of p3 and p4). It's not wampanader, but it's not too shabby.
L3 herself is pretty versatile. I've seen video of L3 subbing in for OB on a Chewie rebels team, and she works nicely.
You're right thought that Young Lando seems like the odd one ought who hasn't found a place except as a pilot.