Chopper: change basic to "grant a random rebel or droid ally speed, offense, or defense up. If that ally is Phoenix. Reduce their cooldowns by 1". Either change his taunt to 2 turns. Or better yet, give him something that happens when he dodges (cooldown reduction orhealth regen preferable). For his second special either reduce the cooldown by 1, or give a chance to dispel all enemies (or a percent chance to dispel other enemies)
Ezra: for his unique either change to cap to 10, or greatly modify to 2-3% offense a turn but no cap. Have Kanan assist in his flourish
Zeb: allow him to taunt on honor guard. Potentially allow him to grant the protection up to other Phoenix allies. Do enjoy the idea of a sweep zeta to call an assist
Hera: for her basic I notice the expose is applied after the damage. Assuming they're still the healthiest, so I'd change to apply expose before the damage. Play to strengths, if she calls either a rebel or Phoenix ally, call an additionally ally to assist. Allow backup plan on herself, potentially either increase health regeneration, speed, or both. Finally for her leader since she lead her cell it should be more like: All Phoenix allies share their unique with each other, in addition. All rebel allies gain 10% turn meter when they use a special, doubled when below full health, and have a 50% chance to reduce their cooldowns by 1 when they use a special"
Kanan: remove crit bonus on basic and instead have: if the target already had offense down, grant a random ally advantage, if that ally was Phoenix, they also gain 15% turn meter. His taunt should last either another turn, or perhaps grant an ally either protection up or crit immunity, his cleanse should get everyone, or at least all Phoenix allies
Sabine: perhaps add an irresistible effect for empire enemies on demolish? And for her unique perhaps on crit damage boost, instead gain stacking crit damage for each critical hit, or doing more damage to buffed enemies and/or full health enemies