Took a look at the squad. Im also in a similar boat since I've been focusing more on dark side over the past couple months since I find them more fun.
I would say I have a slightly above average rebel team and a pretty decent jedi team. But I still haven't been able to beat ls 9b. I've tried both squads but my jedi (with a borrowed zQGJ ally) and a barris lead have come within a turn of beating it. My rebels didn't made it to the 3rd stage but got wiped out immediately.
The jedi team I run with the borrowed ally is barris (L) g10, jka g10, yoda g9, ahsoka g8, ima gun di g8. If you have a zQGJ use him as lead and find a geared out ima gun di ally. Or vice versa. Lately, I've been taking lumi out and replacing her with a k2so or Lando and been having slightly better luck with that.
I hope that helps out a bit