8 years ago
List of Characters in fleet shipments
I've decided to make a list of all characters I find in fleet shipments. I know myself that sometimes I want to see who is in it but I'm unable to find it! So I've decided to do this for others like me who want to plan what toons they want to farm from these shipments :)
Note: If anyone has found a character that is not on this list but is in fleet shipments, please send a picture of the character and his name :) This list will update over time, I'll update it daily so it will not have all characters on the first day for sure!
Sun Fac
Clone Commander Cody
Admiral Ackbar
Mace Windu
Grand Moff Tarkin
General Grievous
Darth Maul
Darth Vader
Jedi Consular
Genosian Spy
Genosian Soldier
Boba Fett
Zam Wesell
Scarif Rebel Pathfinder
Ahsoka Tano
Plo Koon
Tusken Shaman
Resistance Pilot
Wedge Antilles
Note: If anyone has found a character that is not on this list but is in fleet shipments, please send a picture of the character and his name :) This list will update over time, I'll update it daily so it will not have all characters on the first day for sure!
Sun Fac
Clone Commander Cody
Admiral Ackbar
Mace Windu
Grand Moff Tarkin
General Grievous
Darth Maul
Darth Vader
Jedi Consular
Genosian Spy
Genosian Soldier
Boba Fett
Zam Wesell
Scarif Rebel Pathfinder
Ahsoka Tano
Plo Koon
Tusken Shaman
Resistance Pilot
Wedge Antilles