Forum Discussion

rams647's avatar
7 years ago

Looking for some help with a Wiggs/ Rebel team

So for a while I have been running a weird mishmash of characters that works somewhat well as a second team behind my sith team. Phasma (Lead), Wiggs, Luminari, and Scavenger Rey
I am now looking to create an actual second team, preferrably lightside
So right now the only definites are Wedge and Biggs who are both at 7 stars
I am hoping that you guys can give me some suggestions about characters to round out the team
Here's my SWGOH link:
I do have all the Phoenix though they are not very starred up
  • 2. work on phoenix for thrawn/gw(I assume at your level/shard)

    1. scoundrels/bh for credit heist

    luke/old b for cls (incl sth ^^)

    and whatever is needed for r2 but that seems a a ways away. glgl
  • YKMisfit's avatar
    Seasoned Novice
    Wedge is one of the best all-round LS leaders, but it's best with an all-rebel team. Since it looks like you're farming in preparation for CLS already, I'd say you're already on your way to a great rebel team. Lando, Leia, and STHan are probably closest to being done since they're farmed from different places, but you'll probably want to replace Han with Old Ben once you're done with him too.

    I ran a real patchwork Wiggs team for a long time, so I know exactly what you're going through.

    I don't like the idea of splitting up Phoenix so I'm not going to suggest you do that, but I do think you should either farm your classic CLS rebels to go with Wiggs or Phoenix, but don't try to do both. Finish one, then work on the other. You'll have 2 excellent rebel teams when you're done (close to 3 actually)