Forum Discussion

Captainp77's avatar
New Spectator
4 years ago

Lord Vader is a bust?

I’ve had Lord Vader for a couple of days now and he’s not that good against other GLs. I’m about halfway to ultimate but really not impressed with him. A few friends have the ultimate already and he doesn’t seem to be that much better with it.
  • "Gifafi;c-2298521" wrote:
    A non-ult GL isn’t dominant vs ult GL’s? How concerning! Lol

    Not sure that’s directed at my post, but I DO have the ultimate and it makes little difference.
  • "Gifafi;c-2298521" wrote:
    A non-ult GL isn’t dominant vs ult GL’s? How concerning! Lol

    Don’t be obtuse. You know, and we know what the problem is. CG has their game audience right where they want them to capitalize. You either continue to invest obscene amounts of money or you fall behind. Now they’re even speeding it up. And right as LV players get Maul…don’t worry next GL will be announced.
  • "Link64;c-2297396" wrote:
    You’re missing Maul. It’s not enough to whale out on GLs anymore. In order to have the optimum team you have to get the shiny new character from three months of grindquest... oh I mean Conquest.

    But seriously Maul is supposed to make the team better and without the ultimate he’s fairly weak from what I hear.

    He sucks without his ultimate. I couldn’t kill a Bo lead team with him in Conquest. He doesn’t hit hard enough. They had 1600+ stacks of their locked buff too. He’s tanky. I’ll give him that
  • "Ryanh1315;c-2297402" wrote:
    "BasherBeau;c-2297399" wrote:
    This is literally the same reaction people had to GL Kenobi when he was released, until Commander Tano joined him. Now he's dominating everything. People have short memories, and no patience.

    The fact that you're suggesting you have to wait 3+ months and invest a ton of time into a completely ruined game mode for a GL to be competitive is ridiculous to expect people to do. If you dump resources into the absolutely ludicrous requirements that Lord Vader needs, you should be rewarded with an extremely powerful character based on that effort alone.

    You might not be waiting 3 months plus as I think CG are going to try and make up for the Conquest hiatus.
  • "StarSon;c-2297405" wrote:
    "Ryanh1315;c-2297402" wrote:
    "BasherBeau;c-2297399" wrote:
    This is literally the same reaction people had to GL Kenobi when he was released, until Commander Tano joined him. Now he's dominating everything. People have short memories, and no patience.

    The fact that you're suggesting you have to wait 3+ months and invest a ton of time into a completely ruined game mode for a GL to be competitive is ridiculous to expect people to do. If you dump resources into the absolutely ludicrous requirements that Lord Vader needs, you should be rewarded with an extremely powerful character based on that effort alone.

    Basher isn't suggesting it, CG has stated it as fact.

    Doesn't mean people should be ok with accepting it. The higher they raise the stakes, the smaller this game's audience will shrink.
  • NotRealUltra's avatar
    Seasoned Newcomer
    Have you tried LV against all 5 GLs yet without Ultimate Lord Vader? How does he do against each GL with their ultimates?
  • Persimius's avatar
    Rising Traveler
    "Ryanh1315;c-2297413" wrote:
    "StarSon;c-2297405" wrote:
    "Ryanh1315;c-2297402" wrote:
    "BasherBeau;c-2297399" wrote:
    This is literally the same reaction people had to GL Kenobi when he was released, until Commander Tano joined him. Now he's dominating everything. People have short memories, and no patience.

    The fact that you're suggesting you have to wait 3+ months and invest a ton of time into a completely ruined game mode for a GL to be competitive is ridiculous to expect people to do. If you dump resources into the absolutely ludicrous requirements that Lord Vader needs, you should be rewarded with an extremely powerful character based on that effort alone.

    Basher isn't suggesting it, CG has stated it as fact.

    Doesn't mean people should be ok with accepting it. The higher they raise the stakes, the smaller this game's audience will shrink.

    Didn't say they should be ok with it, but it is the reality. CG has said as much. Don't like it, then quit.
  • "captainp77;c-2297401" wrote:
    "BasherBeau;c-2297399" wrote:
    This is literally the same reaction people had to GL Kenobi when he was released, until Commander Tano joined him. Now he's dominating everything. People have short memories, and no patience.

    Kenobi could kill things without his ultimate. I was running him in arena with 3 zetas and no ultimate and holding. LV is weak. Thicc but weak

    So lorewise quite realistic^^ survived quite many lost limbs and burns to boot, but didn't even scratch kenobi.
  • I don't think LV is a bust. We have yet to see him at his best with the best lineup or the most optimal lineup. We have to wait and see if it's the same feeling once people start unlocking Maul.
    I feel like this is better than getting GLs that are broken right off the bat. This can slow down power creep a bit and allow more marquees or new characters in the game to be released that can elevate GLs and other characters in the game.