HRS- Hoth Rebel Soldier...or is it?? O.o (Scout)
QGJ- Qui Gon Jinn
GW- Galatic War
FO- First Order (FOTP, FOST, FOO)
-Tie Pilot, Storm trooper, Officer
ST- Storm Trooper (regular and Han)
RP- Resistance Pilot
RT- Resistance Trooper
RG- Royal Guard
EE- Ewok Elder
JC- Jedi Consular
JKG- Jedi Knight Guardian
GS- Genosian Soldier
JE- Jawa Engineer
GG- General Grievous
JKA- Jedi Knight Anakin
NS- Night sisters as a whole and A-Acoylyte and I- Initiate, but most just say either or.
IGD- Ima Gun Di
I'll keep editing as I go but I think that's most of it. The droids are pretty easy (86,88,Hk)
Edit: I think that's it, the rest are just shorts ie,
Luke vs Luke Skywalker
Sid vs Sidious
Lumi vs Luminara etc etc...
Ah yes, thanks guys
CUP- Coruscant Underworld Police
HS- Han Solo