Forum Discussion

coolnessda's avatar
Rising Newcomer
5 years ago

Most useless zeta on a multi zeta toon

With a decent number of high profile toons possessing 3 zetas and many others mostly like lower profile toons with leader skills who have 2 zetas some of these zeta level skills tend to be useless. A good example of this is gm Yoda and his leader skill. For players who never bothered to zeta it by the time jedi revan came along will probably never bother to zeta it unless they feel like it. What are some toons who possess 2 or 3 zeta level skills that have at least one useless zeta that should most likely be avoided at all costs?
  • "Jbnf;c-2067650" wrote:
    That's not a zeta on 3P0 though.

    Based on the question, I'd say comparing the text of each zeta is the best way to answer it, and I feel that, although Farmboy is awful and so are his zetas, DN's lead (+50% health steal added by putting the zeta on) is the worst.

    My bad. Forgot which was it has so many abilities
  • "TekkarEdorf;c-2067461" wrote:
    "TVF;c-2067452" wrote:
    HK has two zetas.

    More damage is always welcome.

    EDIT: Not sure I read the post I responded to correctly, based on the thread title. :shrug:

    One of them is rather useful against JKR teams

    It's not, though. GMY is nearly the only character who regularly gains TM with prot up. And the zeta won't impact his bonus turn or the tm gain after he uses battle meditation. That zeta is really only good for shutting down the TM that Bastila lead gives to start the match (or GMY in general, on that team). Besides, SE already crushes both Bastila and JKR without that zeta, so it really is useless.

    Unless you're talking about the bonus damage one. That one's fine, but not amazing.