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MistPassiert's avatar
9 years ago

My Roster Review: Jedi Knight Anakin

I hope everyone had a great weekend!
Last week I released My Roster Review video on Jedi Knight Anakin after his recent rework.

The latest video in My Roster Review series: Jedi Knight Anakin.

Jedi Knight Anakin is the latest character to receive special attention from the game developers. And they did a spectacular job. JKA used to be one of the most underwhelming characters in the game, and for many (myself included at one point) the most regrettable investment of time and resources. Especially for the free to play player. But my stubbornness paid off. This month they released the JKA improvements. Let me know if you are a fan of his improvements!

His basic attack saw a very small (maybe?) increase in base damage but a 15% increase to base chance to inflict negative status effects.
The big changes were made to his Special Attack which saw a VERY large damage increase (roughly 150% from the numbers I saw) and a very awesome rework to its mechanics. The ability now grants effects based on the numbers of crits/non-crits Anakin lands. This ability pays homage to Ankin's reputation for being truly reckless, and it's very awesome. Good job devs.
His leader ability was tweaked in a way that many (myself included) had requested. Include clones and grant all other allies half bonus. These bonuses are Offense and Crit Damage increase. Also included in his leader ability is an anti-evasion mechanic. Allies who are evaded gain Advantage for two turns! This mechanic works EXTREMELY well with Anakin's special ability to ensure he is not exposed.
His passive now triggers on ally health dropping below 50%, granting up to 100% turn meter and (currently) a 75% increase to his next attack's damage.

According to the developer notes, it was supposed to have a level 8 upgrade increasing that bonus damage to 100%, but it's not in game yet.

Jedi Knight Anakin is definitely worth the farm now and I am definitely glad I stuck to farming him in optimistic hopes that he would be improved.

The Game Developers listened to their player base, and listened well. They knocked this character rework out of the park. Let's hope they keep doing this!

1 Reply

  • Nice review!

    I'm farming, about one more week and will get him to 7*.

    There's a squad with Anakin lead at my server, fought against him some times, and unfortunately his aeo doesn't trigger when AI plays, so it's broken. Hope they fix it soon!!