5 years ago
Nest V Padme
Just relic'd my nest (R2, will get her to R5 soon) and I'm curious as to what level of padme squads can she reliably counter? And does she need Qi'ra and HYoda?
"Legend91;c-2104919" wrote:
It requires the right circumstances (gear levels, modding, team comp) but it's possible.
You need to 1) survive JKA's attack after Nest has taken a turn and 2) resist JKA's healing immunity.
Farmboy Luke gives +50% tenacity but isn't a real option anymore as most people are running around with a R7 JKA and you need Nest's protection to survive the big hits from JKA, so Qi'ra lead is the way to go.
Now it's a potency vs tenacity thing and it's gonna come down to modding. If Nest is correctly modded she's gonna have close to 170% tenacity (195% with HY's Masters Training). A JKA that isn't modded for potency has 56% base potency and gets +10% from 3PO so that lets him sit at 66% potency.
195 - 66 = 129% chance to resist JKA's healing immunity --> we are safe
However if that JKA has stacked up some potency (especially a sliced potency cross) things can look different. Just assuming he has that potency cross, a potency set and maybe a total of 5% potency from secondaries that would be +50% potency from modding.
195 - 116 = 79% chance to resist JKA's healing immunity --> so about 1/5 of the time he's gonna land that healing immunity which will stop Nests health steal and Nest is gonna be taken down eventually