Forum Discussion

WisBadgers13's avatar
6 years ago

Nest's Fleet Node

I am frustratingly stuck at this freaking node. Please help. Here's my, I was able to 3* the previous battle, although I'm sure that has little to no bearing on what I can do for this node. Am I missing a ship? I run Biggs, HT, then either Silencer or Slave along with the Ghost and any 6th. Also, whether I start with the silencer or slave 1, they get murked before I can get taunt off for HT or Biggs. I'm sure next month having my executrix to 7* will help, but I would love to not have to wait.

7 Replies

  • I got 3* with HT, silencer, Ashoka, phantom + 1 (either Vader ghost or cassian, can't remember which).
    I'd suggest your HT needs more speed from bossk. Gets tm when other allies attacked, so if you can have a starter who'll endure opening you can use breach. Use breach on longest living enemy to keep the taunt longer.
    Which capital ship are you using. I did with Thrawn, feeding silencer extra moves
  • Ok so what exactly do I do to Bossk? I know the higher every aspect of the character, the better the ship. I'm stuck at g11+5 until i get another 75 shards, my mods are all gold 5 dot mods, and I know speed on Bossk is not a direct relation to his ship. I have his lead zeta'd but his unique is way down my list of zetas so thats a no-go.
  • Vaderizer's avatar
    Seasoned Newcomer
    6 years ago
    If he isn't 7 starred you're unfortunately pretty much maxed out until he is. I wouldn't zeta his unique just for fleet anyway, as zetas don't add much ship power; it's about the same as slicing a 5 dot mod to 6 dot.
  • You don't need HT to be faster. He gains plenty of TM from other ships getting hit.

    For that node I ran Vader, Biggs, HT. Reinforce with Silencer, KRCS, FOTP and ITF.
  • If your third is getting killed before it takes a turn, you can try either putting in someone who’s harder to kill or can’t be targeted. I think I used XB and ITF along with HT when I played this one, since XB starts with stealth and ITF can give itself foresight on its first turn. XB will also spam breach, which is useful for keeping taunt up on HT. I don’t know if it’ll work with a 3 star XB, but you can give it a try. Maybe run HT, Biggs, XB, then reinforce Vader and Silencer for more damage once you survive the initial volley. Slave 1 is great for bypassing all the extra protection Mace hands out, but it’s hard to keep it alive long enough to use its special. You may also want to try Thrawn instead of Tarkin—yours is a bit undergeared but he does a lot better job keeping your toons alive between his special and Ultimate.