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- Thrawn
That LS meta is broken - they are still good, but you should absolutely be winning vs. LS teams with various combos of the above - Isn't thrawn a direct counter to baze? Which is why ls was so strong to begin with.
"JohnnySteelAlpha;c-1160833" wrote:
That LS meta is broken - they are still good, but you should absolutely be winning vs. LS teams with various combos of the above
Name me one vhl team that's better then current 3xcleanse or jedi?
Sure some ppl have good results with: zDv, sa,dn, thrawn, gk.....but you need crazy mods out there, twice better then the two LS's a bit lame"T4ct1c4l_J0k3r;c-1160898" wrote:
"JohnnySteelAlpha;c-1160833" wrote:
That LS meta is broken - they are still good, but you should absolutely be winning vs. LS teams with various combos of the above
You can't have that now can you? Dark side having enough balance and skills to regularly defeat light side teams. Its impossible isn't it. Light side meta, after light side meta, after light side meta. It wouldn't be fair at all to have a dark side meta for once would it? Some team foresight maybe? Some actual team synergy? How about a debuff that stuns everyone with tenacity on them or blocks it from being cast entirely? Or even debuffs that can ignore tenacity? Oh thats right dark side can never have a meta can they? It would kill the story line, not to mention the people who just paid through the nose to get their chaze teams before they went into the f2p areas."Drazz127;c-1160846" wrote:
Isn't thrawn a direct counter to baze? Which is why ls was so strong to begin with.
Not even close, keep wishing on that one. Thrawn with his 100% tenacity can still be debuffed like crazy. However, a chaze team without tenacity buffs active and low base tenacity/mods can somehow still seem to avoid being debuffed even when you are stacking potency.
Thx- I haven't seen the numbers in a bit, but last I checked the most common team in the top arena was not exclusively dark or light side.
- I'd like to see a rework of Dooku's lead "master tactician". Where it gives Seperatist allies bonus offense and/or turn meter or something for enemy buffs. Maybe for debuffs too. Maybe not meta breaking but with a full Seperatist rework could be interesting and bring them into the top of the tables.
"T4ct1c4l_J0k3r;c-1160898" wrote:
Not even close, keep wishing on that one. Thrawn with his 100% tenacity can still be debuffed like crazy. However, a chaze team without tenacity buffs active and low base tenacity/mods can somehow still seem to avoid being debuffed even when you are stacking potency.
My thrawn has 166% tenacity when he fractures someone. He pretty much resists all debuffs since no one stacks potency. You are probably thinking he has 100% tenacity all the time, which is incorrect--only when an enemy is fractured."sjkerhfgdjhd;c-1161061" wrote:
At the very highest levels of arena in shards where it is all whale vs whale I am hearing that the meta is switching to darkside. Triple cleanse is incredibly annoying with their high survivability, but there are now darkside teams that hold just as well on defence and need much less time to win on offence. This is very important when fighting against others with the same payout, as it allows you to attack before your opponent and still clockblock successfully, or if they go sooner to get in ahead of you they leave enough time for a fast win to kick them back down.
This is accurate. I often don't fall out of the top 10 (haven't fallen outside top6 in 3 days) with my zzThranw lead and I can auto anyone."T4ct1c4l_J0k3r;c-1160898" wrote:
"JohnnySteelAlpha;c-1160833" wrote:
That LS meta is broken - they are still good, but you should absolutely be winning vs. LS teams with various combos of the above
You can't have that now can you? Dark side having enough balance and skills to regularly defeat light side teams. Its impossible isn't it. Light side meta, after light side meta, after light side meta. It wouldn't be fair at all to have a dark side meta for once would it? Some team foresight maybe? Some actual team synergy? How about a debuff that stuns everyone with tenacity on them or blocks it from being cast entirely? Or even debuffs that can ignore tenacity? Oh thats right dark side can never have a meta can they? It would kill the story line, not to mention the people who just paid through the nose to get their chaze teams before they went into the f2p areas."Drazz127;c-1160846" wrote:
Isn't thrawn a direct counter to baze? Which is why ls was so strong to begin with.
Not even close, keep wishing on that one. Thrawn with his 100% tenacity can still be debuffed like crazy. However, a chaze team without tenacity buffs active and low base tenacity/mods can somehow still seem to avoid being debuffed even when you are stacking potency.
Do you remember the maul meta? That didn't turn out right, it was the most annoying meta ever (and I hate triple cleanse)- Without knowing your potency and his tenacity (maybe his 'ebb and flow' isn't zeta), I can't really argue with you. For me, my thrawn has 166% tenacity while fractured. This means anyone with 66% or fewer potency points I'll resist 100% of the time.
"T4ct1c4l_J0k3r;c-1161174" wrote:
"Nebulous;c-1161137" wrote:
Without knowing your potency and his tenacity (maybe his 'ebb and flow' isn't zeta), I can't really argue with you. For me, my thrawn has 166% tenacity while fractured. This means anyone with 66% or fewer potency points I'll resist 100% of the time.
I know that isnt right within the game. My palp has +12% accuracy and 83% potency (before leadership is applied) and still is not able to consistently stun or land shock on sub 20% tenacity chaze teams without tenacity buff active. The game is broken in 1 direction. And yes the thrawn i faced was zeta, 7*, and gear 11 full slots filled. (Gw node 9 no less which means he was enhanced to boot) Not quite as much tenacity as yours, but still had close to 40% base tenacity. Anyways if the description was correct (as it should be), i should not have been able to do this, yet i did and continued to do so until he was killed. Too bad we can't battle within our guilds or you could have a guildmate demonstrate this.
As far as your accuracy, that is only for hitting the target and only indirectly impacts application of negative status effects as, most often, you need to land the hit to apply.
As far as your 80+% potency vs sub 20% tenacity and being resisted, that's because the formula is: Tenacity - Potency = resist chance, 15% is min no matter how wide the gap.
So plugging in your numbers: 20T - 80P = -60 which is turned into 15% resist chance (cannot fall below this number)
Let's plug in my numbers: 166T - 60P = 106% chance to resist
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